17 - The prophet peace be upon him said to his companions: (at the end of the
time you will find humiliation, defamation and metamorphosis, they asked when
and the prophet replied when you see a lot of musicinstrumentsand songstresses)
[narrated by IbnMaga] .
Today, you can see the Widespreadof music all over the world and also those
tens of thousands of women dancers and singers. Also, there are thousands of
satellite channels that presentdancing and singing day and night. This
phenomenon wasn't known at the time of the prophet, and no one ever predicted
that this phenomenon may occur one day.
????????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ???? !? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ?.????
????TGMTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwbDiWzznMY ????????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??????? zakir naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDC-6jR_Dto
15 - The prophet peace be upon him said: (some people will permit alcohol and
will name it by different names) {narrated by Ahmed} today, there are different
names for alcohol such as beer, vodka, whisky, all of these names weren 't
known at the time of the prophet, who told him this information?
?????????? ?.???? ???? ??????? ???????? .. ????? ???? ???? ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrTOtTLAkk0 ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ?????..?????? ?.???? ????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1QwoceIR-8
Today, it is easy to find all of these phenomena as we find lot of trials,
lying and the excessive use of information technology which made markets so
closed to each other. Who told our prophet peace be upon himabout all of that?
???????? ???? ??? ?.???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ( ????? ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LrH-AwPJbA ??????? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ?.???? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ( ????? ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BzQYk4NRcM
11 - The prophet said: ("me and day of resurrection are sent like
those" and he referred by his two fingers) [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]. The
scientists say that the age of universe is 13.5 billion years andthe age of man
is indeed less than that because Allah Almighty sent the prophet only 1400
years ago and if we divides 1400 by 13,500,000,000 theresultis0.0000001
Hence the prophetic likening is precise to demonstrate that day of resurrection
is so near to us.
???????? ??? ??? ?.???? ???? ?? ????? ... ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ( ???? ??? )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA0Sh96q-x0 ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik \https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyA1gsxy1HA
9 - The prophet says (adultery and drinking alcohol are signs for the imminence
of day of resurrection) [Narrated by Al-Bukhari], if we walk around in the
streets of many countries we can find people are drinking alcohol and
performing adultery and because of that AIDS is around us in all over the
world. Who told the prophet peace be upon him about that?
?????? ? ?.???? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ??? ????????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwlUPwy91Jc ????????? ?????? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? HD 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT4ycOxevCI
7 - Today, we can hear some rumors about the imminence of day of resurrection,
one of these rumors that day of resurrection will be in December 2012 because
scientists said that some horrible phenomena will occur on that day. The truth
is in December 2012 some usual phenomena will happen. Allah Almighty says about
day of resurrection: (They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection):
"When will be its appointed time?" Say: "The knowledge thereof
is with my Lord (Alone). None can reveal its time but He. Heavy is its burden
through the heavens and the earth. It shall not come upon you except all of a
sudden. "They ask you as if you have a good knowledge of it. Say:"
The knowledge thereof is with Allah (Alone ) but most of mankind know not.
") {Sûrat Al-A'râf-The Heights-verse187}
???????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? 6 ????? ?????? ??????? | Dr. Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrYwxQWNWVI ???????????? ????? ??????? ??? 3 ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0Ol262WPyI
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???? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????
This is very important
Do you think that the world of insects and animals
Live without obligations and punishment for his mistakes?
You are completely mistaken
And need more learning
Among the proven information that studies the
behavior of the animal world where the courts
of the Ravens and prosecute any individual
group comes out on its own according to the
laws of justice innate set by God Almighty to
them, and each group when the Ravens offense
punishable own.
Food rape young chicks: punishment requiring
that a group of crows pluck feathers crow
until the aggressor incapable of flight
small prior to the completion of
And the crime of rape or destroy the nest:
Ravens only court to compel the aggressor to
build a new nest to nest the victim.
The crime of assault on a female crow last:
it requires a group to kill the aggressor
Ravens ,crows beak beaten to death.
The court sits normally in a field of
agricultural fields or in the land of wide,
gathered where the Court on time, and brings
Crow accused under heavy guard, and his trial
begins Phoenix head, lowers his wings, and
holding a recognition of guilt for crowing.
If sentenced to death, jumped a group of
crows on the expansion of the comet apart
beak sharp until he dies, and then
carried by a crows beak to dig his grave
compatible with the size of his body, which
he puts the body of the dead crow and then
hurl it out of respect for the sanctity of
the dust of death
And thus assess the crows of divine justice
in the earth better than hosted many of the
sons of Adam
VIA Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah (sobhanallah),this
reminds us that God's law and the provisions
of the Holy Qur'an torah,gospel, which Muslims applied\\ ???????? ????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? !! ????? ???? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-bMngmo_Og ???? ??? ???? ????? ? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? -?.?????? ????? ?? ?.???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR6_pjfHZPg
Frogs: it is not permissible to eat
That the Prophet peace be upon him forbade five: "Ant and Bee, Frog and
Shrike and Hoopoe" 0
It was also reported from Anas may Allaah be pleased with him that the frog
took water in its mouth to put out the fire that was prepared to burn the
Prophet Ibraaheem (Abraham)peace be upon him
These creatures are not simply: there are many similarities between communities
of people and communities of those critters.
Sura is called ants
Talk about the Prophet Solomon peace be upon him and the Kingdom of Spaa and
Ants just like humans
Nations and tribes
They have their own language
allah says in the Holy Qur'an
18. Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said:
"O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaiman (Solomon) and his hosts crush
you, while they perceive not."
19. So he [Sulaiman (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech and said: "My
Lord! Inspire and bestow upon me the power and ability that I may be grateful
for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I
may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your Mercy
among Your righteous slaves."
There is no animal on earth and no bird that flies with its wings as you or
they belong to communities. We have neglected nothing in the book. Then they
will be collected. Their Lord (Qur'an 6/38).
Praise Him the seven heavens and the earth and who therein. There is nothing or
praises His praise, but you do not understand. Their praise He is gentle and
forgiving. Qur'an 17/44).\\\
???????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ( ???? ???? ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxA7OD_-c9E ???????? ?.???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ???????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIlHoj4WdFo ?????????? ???? ??? ????? ?.???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ! || ?????
?????? ?????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU3Rokjp60E
Frogs: it is not permissible to eat
That the Prophet peace be upon him forbade five: "Ant and Bee, Frog and Shrike and Hoopoe" 0
It was also reported from Anas may Allaah be pleased with him that the frog took water in its mouth to put out the fire that was prepared to burn the Prophet Ibraaheem (Abraham)peace be upon him
These creatures are not simply: there are many similarities between communities of people and communities of those critters.
Sura is called ants
Talk about the Prophet Solomon peace be upon him and the Kingdom of Spaa and ants
Ants just like humans
Nations and tribes
They have their own language
allah says in the Holy Qur'an
18. Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: "O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaiman (Solomon) and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not."
19. So he [Sulaiman (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech and said: "My Lord! Inspire and bestow upon me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves."
There is no animal on earth and no bird that flies with its wings as you or they belong to communities. We have neglected nothing in the book. Then they will be collected. Their Lord (Qur'an 6/38).
Praise Him the seven heavens and the earth and who therein. There is nothing or praises His praise, but you do not understand. Their praise He is gentle and forgiving. Qur'an 17/44).
??????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ????????!! - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BQk7j0mp2w ?????????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ??????!! - ???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wre3XNICBMg ??????????? ?? ????? ????? || ???? ???? - The Purpose of the Creation Full || Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U319Xzgfgn8
Rabbits fed on the grass and vegetables, and they drink the water and should be a source of clean water
Rabbits need for some important requirements if you want breeding for economic purposes, including:
* Food: you must provide clean food, clean water
* Clean: You must maintain the cleanliness of the nest (or the battery as it is called) because rabbits are sensitive to dirt, you should get rid of the droppings on an ongoing basis
* Care of small children should be provided away from the male parent to be able to care for the young and protect them.
* Temperature: You must provide a place to be warm in winter and summer shade.
about birds and animals in Islam and why some of them halal, others eat it haram
?????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ???????!! - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU9eV1wy78I ?????????? ?????????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X5pDQQ9EU8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9n77W6F4Yo ??????? ????? ???? ???? ??? ????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK3CWIvwePs
With regard to domesticated donkeys, their meat was permitted at first, then the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) declared it to be haraam on the day of Khaybar.
Al-Bukhaari (5520) narrated that Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with
him) said: On the day of Khaybar, the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) forbade the meat of domesticated donkeys, but he
granted us a concession allowing us to eat the meat of horses.
Al-Bukhaari (5527) and Muslim (1936) narrated that Abu Tha’labah (may Allaah be
pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) forbade the meat of domesticated donkeys.
Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Most of the scholars
believe that the meat of domesticated donkeys is haraam. Ahmad said:
Fifteen of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) regarded it as makrooh (in the sense of being haraam). Ibn
‘Abd al-Barr said: There is no difference of opinion among the Muslims
scholars today concerning the fact that it is haraam.
????????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ? ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pdITBKqhs4 ??????? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????! - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWM9hlWv6pY ???????? ?? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ??????? ? ? ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMeRrPeTkcg
?????????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ... ????? ?????https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cak1Lkptl_w ??? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?????? _???? ??? ?? ???? _ ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eicdNO21PsA ???????? ??? ??? ? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C67eJKPX7cE
???????? ???? ????? ???? _???? ??? ??????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZa65zrNqIw ?????????? - ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ? ???? ?? ??? ???????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxS5AUM5dXU ?????????? , ?? ????? ????? ?? ????? ? ??????? ???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3moLM03VnFk
It is well known in our religion that the basic principle with regard to drawings and pictures of animate beings is that they are haraam, because of the many ahaadeeth in which it says that they are forbidden and warn against them. We have previously explained that in a number of questions on this site. Please see, for example, question no. 7222.
It is well known in the principles of fiqh on which there is consensus that in cases of necessity, forbidden things are permitted, so the ruling may change from prohibition to permission if that will lead to achieving one of the five necessities that Islam came to protect, which are: religion, life, physical health, honour and wealth.
Because medicine is one of the necessary sciences that people need, to such an extent that some scholars regarded it as a communal obligation, this means that some things are permitted which are basically forbidden, in order to fulfil this communal obligation.
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Rawdat al-Taalibeen (1/223):
With regard to sciences, some of them are a communal obligation, such as medicine. End quote.
Indeed, Muwaffaq al-Deen al-Baghdaadi narrated in his book al-Tibb min al-Kitaab wa’l-Sunnah (187) that Imam al-Shaafa’i said:
I do not know of any branch of knowledge, after knowledge of halaal and haraam, that is more noble than medicine. End quote.
Even if a doctor does not treat women except in cases of necessity, he must learn how to treat both sexes, because a woman may not be able to find a female doctor in a certain specialty or in a certain city. Also, knowledge of medicine is based on understanding the makeup of the human body, and the features of its various parts, and details of their functions. How well the doctor understands that will determine how well he knows medicine and how successful he is in ridding people of problems and diseases.
Hence there is nothing wrong with the doctor studying drawings that show the human body, whether they are of men or women, and there is nothing wrong – in sha Allaah – with using drawings in exams for students of medicine and life sciences, as that will help them to understand properly and learn this knowledge correctly.
In our religion it is permissible for women to treat men in cases of necessity.
It was narrated that al-Rubayyi’ bint Mu’awwidh (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: We were with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), bringing water, treating the wounded and carrying the slain back to Madeenah. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2882).
Ibn Hajar said, commenting on this hadeeth in Fath al-Baari (6/52):
This shows that it is permissible for a non-mahram woman to treat a non-mahram man in cases of necessity. End quote.
In our religion there is also evidence which indicates that it is permissible to make pictures and images for children’s toys, because children need to play and learn.
In a Fatwa issued by the scholars of the Standing Committee, there is evidence which indicates that it is permissible to make pictures in cases of necessity, such as pictures to prove the identity of a person and the like.
As for making pictures and drawing parts of the body separately, such as the head or the chest, many scholars are of the view that it is permissible.
All of the above indicates that it is permissible to use drawing and pictures in studying medicine, etc.
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The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that the one who makes images – by drawing or engraving –will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and these images whose makers are given this warning are images of animate beings, based on what its says in the hadeeth, that Allaah will say: “Give life to that which you have crated.”
It was narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Those who make images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them: ‘Bring to life that which you have created.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5607) and Muslim (2108).
It seems that images with incomplete features and those which do not have a nose or eyes are not included in the images that are haraam, and their makers are not included in the warning, because they cannot really be called images and these pictures are not competing with the creation of Allaah.
It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Among the people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be those who imitate the creation of Allaah.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5610) and Muslim (2107).
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And Muslim (2110) narrated that Sa’eed ibn Abi’l-Hasan said: A man came to Ibn ‘Abbaas and said: I am a man who makes these images; advise me about that. He said to him: Come close to me. So he came closer to him. He said: Come closer to me. So he came closer to him, until he put his hand on his head and said: I will tell you what I heard from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “Every image maker will be in Hell, and for every image that he made, a soul will be created which will punish him in Hell.” He said: If you must do that, then make (images of) trees and inanimate things.
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim: Our companions and other scholars said: Making images of animals is emphatically haraam and is a major sin, because this stern warning which is mentioned in the ahaadeeth is issued concerning it. That applies whether he makes it to be used in ways that are not respectful or otherwise. Making it is haraam in all cases, because it is competing with the creation of Allaah. That applies whether the image is in a garment or a carpet or a dirham or a dinar or a penny or a vessel or a wall or anything else. As for making images of trees, camel saddles and other things in which there are no images of animals, that is not haraam.
It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (1/479): What makes images forbidden is the fact that they are images of animate beings, whether they are sculptures, or drawings on walls or fabric or paper, or they are woven, and whether they are done with a quill, a pen, or a machine, and whether they represent something real or something imaginary, whether they are small or large, beautified or distorted, or drawn in the form of lines representing a skeleton. What makes them forbidden is that fact that they depict animate beings, even if they are imaginary like pictures of ancient people, Pharaohs, or leaders and soldiers of the Crusades, or like the pictures of ‘Eesa (Jesus) and Maryam (Mary) that are kept in churches, etc., because of the general meaning of the texts, and because that is competing with the creation of Allaah, and because it is a means that leads to shirk.
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