Age: 58
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SG is right. I am not sure, that's why I am not going make a statement about Prophet SAW's aitekaf of 20 days in ramadhan.
I did that afew years ago. It is a very different experience. My parents and siblings did Aitekaf in Masjid Nabvi several times. May Allah accept their aitekaf, Ameen.
Age: 58
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Sajada Sahoo can't be performed for missing fard or wajib in the salah. Reciting tahayyat is wajib. When a wajib is lost, then the prayer has to be repeated.
In SRK's case, it seems like he inadvertantly missed afew words -- seek forgiveness from Allah and ask Him to accept your prayers.
Somebody mentioned of intentions, yes they are very important. However, it cannot be generally applied as suggested. Soundd intentions should be followed by sound actions - that are proven from practice of the Prohet SAW. Mistakes happen and there are corrective actions for mistakes. One measure cannot be applied in all conditions. We should not opine on a matter we do not have full knowledge of it and on mere personal thinking or that someone had given you a general advice.
SRK: ask a scholar. You wouldn't ask for a prescription for an ailment on this forum. Likewise take your religious issues, especially of matters concerning your Ibadah (worship) to a competent consusltant. Don't just take my word or anybody without a authentic proof.
Age: 58
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Attahiyaat is a requirement of prayers. If someone intentionally misses it, his/her prayers are not complete. If a person does not know the tahayyat, then he/she must learn it asap but in the mean while his/her prayers are valid. I learned this from Fiqh-us-Sunnah.
Age: 58
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Praying fard is the only requirement - infact, minimum requirement. If you just do that, you have completed your obligation. Praying sunnah has great rewards and Prophet SAW was particular about pryaing sunnah.
Age: 58
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HH, I second your voice. Mulisms i general have the characteristic of those who Allah's messenger termed as, "love worldly gains and hate death."
AFA YR Gilani is concerned, I don't believe in saeed zat and that he does not hold a position higher than any other Muslim except if he only exceeds in taqwa.
Age: 58
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I think some of us here have taken the whole thing in a different perspective.
Afia is not a criminal held in a jail charged with a midemeanor. She is held as an enemy combatant and is a POW per se and she is in maximum security prison of non-muslims. I can bet none here would tolerate having their own sister or a female relative incarcerated and man-handled by Muslims, let alone being brutaly assaulted by non-muslims.
How would we stand in front of Allah and answer the question, your believing sister was physically and emotionally tortured, what did you do to get her freed?
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
shahrukh khan said:
i see ppl in Masjid looking aroud
That is dangerous. The hadith says that Allah is not in need of the prayers of one whose interest in the salah is other than Allah SWT...or similiar to that (ao kama qala rasulullah SAW)
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
charizmatic said:
Imran khan is man without brain he was offered to be a prime minister of pakistan when musharaf took over from nawaz but he refused and instead join hands with Mullah's and other anti musharaf parties, he cud hev made the difference being prime minister and cud have made the name for himself, what a looser.
Well, you saw what happened to those who joined Musharraf and took the offer and accepted PMship -- they got booted out!
Imran would have labelled himself forever as a man of establishment had he taken an offer from Mush. I think he earned himself a fair reputation of an upright man. His refusal to handed down premiership as opposed to an earned place shows his character that he is not desperate for positions.
He has some temprament issues and so does everybody else. He is an aggressive man and that is what you need in this time is someone who can take tough positions.
He surely has a shady personal life -- affairs abroad, and he doesn't refute those either. However, his contemporaties are no less guilty but they not only deny their wrong doings, they also throw dirt on others. He is better than most of them if not all of them.
Age: 58
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only hope does nothing my friends...those who are warring against us are restless, working hard and they are going all-out against Muslims except pliant and obidient servants. They are not living on hope only.
We need to work three times as hard as they are working. We ought to catch-up from where earlier generation fell behind; clean-up the mess and come-up to the speed; and thirdly, get ahead of them in all directions.
If we fail today, be sure that our children wil live in slavry. If you want graceful living and honor for your next generation. Work three times as hard as they are doing...let go entertainment, fun, leisure, vacations, and other occupations. Focus on studies, sharpen your skills to perfection and produce without any desire for credit. Your and my reward would be an honorable and graceful life for our children and generations after them.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
shahrukh khan said:
i cant concertrate if i hear voices, what should i do then??
That is very normal...and closing eyes do not block hearing or screen out noises.
- The approach should be to focus on what you are doing and knowing why yare doing it. - Next time stand in prayers and bow and prostrate and sit in between like you would do that in front of the prophet SAW as he SAW would watch you do it. - Remember at all times that you are in the presence of the owner of yourself and the entire universe. - If satan whispers, slightly turn your neck to the left and whisper the ta'awz or lahol.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
changing only in Ramadan and reverting back to bad habits after ramadhan is hypocrisy....yes level of Iman, worship, supplication, dedication, and good work must rise to higher level, but it should not disappear after ramadhan.
Age: 58
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I am sorry, but I have different take on it...may be some of you would share the same feeling.
Muslims' behavior is generally strange and it seems like Ramadhan and its spirit doesn't soak into the souls. We are literally ritualistic in our acts of worship - we completely block our worship to reach down to our souls and change our behavior.
Example: Ramadhan is a time when we deprive our bodies from food and drink the entire day to train itself to keep self-control....At iftar time, we completely forget about the rigorous training we went through out the day -- totally givein to the desires of the body and pig-out.
We think about food and drink even more in Ramadhan; we consume more, hoard-up and spend more on food....hello! we missed the boat somewhere!!!
From a broader perspective, a society should transform and reach a higher ground of morality in a few years of rigorous Ramadhan training. You would assume that people would pick some good habits and part with some bad ones each year and gradually become a better Muslim society over the years...but the effect is totally opposite of that....Ramadhan comes and goes without affecting us at all...and we think our rituals have earned us pardon and pleasure of Allah...who is a bigger looser than us! "lights are on but no one is home"
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
What I mean here is that success is always objective -- reaching a pre-set goal. Methods applied to reach that goal can be different -- legit or illegit!
Hypocrisy is a method and it can help reach a set goal. .....The question of legitimacy of using hypocritical means to reach a goal (success per se) is a moral one.
If moral standards in a society fall below the mark of minimum level of decency, than yes, all means are fair. If that, then where would you draw a line setting a ceiling for hypocrisy...."you can be a hypocrite to a certain level"....a new standard of hypocrisy set by hypocrites.....That is really bizarre!!!
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
...and how do you define "successful life"?
for what is a success for one may not be a standard of sucess for the other.....if there is a standard or a sliding scale of success...what is the thrashold or a line between success and failure...meaning at what point you think you are having sucess in life or the other way around?
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
I used to do that and think the same way until I found out that it was not permissible. In fact, that is satan's whisper in the as far as right or wrong, I told you what it is... now its upto you to accept or reject.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Thanks madgirl: So standards draw from religion and we (practically)careless about it.
your second msg is your opinion; though true to a great extent and relates to the topic.
Have you (I mean the topic starter and everyone else)ever seen a society that have collectively prospered with hypocritical lifestyle? We may have seen some individuals having lived an apparently properous life...looking deeper into their lives we find unrest, insecurity, trouble, problems within household... in longer term they are at loss.