Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Teen Tracker said:
SD I have seen ur posts in Religion and Serious corner. Its our badluck that you r leaving. U r one of the members who have such mature mind.I hope that you will remain in touch with us.
I request you to be part of JB directly or indirectly
Thanks TT, I enjoyed talking to yah whever I did. You are a pretty mature person yourself. Take care of your health.
I am not very happy to leave JB but at some point in life you have to move on. I will do the best to drop in and take a peak at JB.
Age: 58
7907 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
heart_hacker said:
sd bro janain say beeta howa waqt nai bholaya ja sukta dont know why u want to leave but its not good way to run from family. is there anyprob any body tease u hurt u or anything then we r here u can tell us kasii ka dil dukha ker kud kaisy door rah sukty hoo kasii ka dil tor ker jana achii baat nai topic band ker wayain and try to come jb har roz nai tu week main 3 4 dafa he sahih hope u angree wid me and never leave jb come hug and give smile
Joke--> kasii nain jb main bahii tu nai bana liya jo itnain preshan ho ker ja rahy hoo
thanks for your concern. my problem is personal, i.e. can't commit to JB when there are so many others to attend. I'm a brother to all so no worries of that. Now you be careful HH.
Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
nikama said:
S.D let me tell u one thing.your presence here was one of the main reasons why i kept visiting this forum.and i'm so shocked to know that i will no longer be able to listen to your valuable views.i have always been unable to truly reveal my feelings about those i love and admire,but now that you are leaving us,let me confess that you had been a source of inspiration for me.generally those who have relatively more knowledge of religion than others,become so rigid and narrow in their views,but you were always so keen to ready to accept other people's viewpoints if they were based on logic,so eager to help. i'm sure you have pretty strong reasons to leave us.and i wont request you to change your mind,but please whenever you feel that now you can afford to take some time out from your high priority obligations...DO COME BACK. you are so far...far away and yet so close to me that it really hurts to say good bye. ALLAH hamaisha ap ka haami-o-nasir ho
thanks for the honors! It has always been a pleasure to listen to what others have to say, especially you, aashi, Dr. Sam and others. I enjoy intellectual discussions.
I can't promise to return but may drop in once in a while just to take a peek. I won't post anything. I will leave an email address for those who may want to reach me personally...lookout for it
Thanks for the love and regards you have expressed. Know that I have same regards for you too. Goodluck!!
Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
I did my part to my best ability and all weaknesses. I ask Allah to forgive me for anything I may have said or advised that was not correct. If I were able to help anyone in anyway, it was from Allah as I have no strength or power to do so.
Keep praying for me and family. Thanks for your kind words.
Age: 58
7907 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Thanks! You didn't do anything so no need to ask forgiveness. I pray for friends and foes alike. You are a friend like other JBians. I'll p[ray for all. Please keep me in your prayers as well.
Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Thanks Firah but I will not return to JB. I have been around for a while. I have seen you mature from early teenage to college years. Good luck in law school
Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
MS, your feelings are well respected, but that ain't answer to my question. If it was a matter of what academic arguments, I can present amny emotional points to prove you wrong and you can do they same. This will lead us nowhere but bitter feelings and may be more. I am not arguing on the issue of Hussain RA and his high standing among the shuhada of islam. Some may take it to a different level according to their understanding. But that has nothing to do with the aqeedah of a believer. Allah swt only required to believe in six matters, i.e. Allah, and the last day, and the angels, and the book, and the prophets, and the divine decree (of good and bad). Whosoever believs in these with full conviction is a believer because that is the standard set in the Quran.
My point: that should be our banner of unification. Let us not divide and fight for what we practice, lets agree on what we commonly believe. Enemy of Shia is not a friend of sunni and likewise, enemy of sunni is not a friend of shia even though it may pose like that. Our differences on issues of fiqh are benefitting none but who desires destruction for both. We can only achieve this unity with tolerance and respect for each others practices. We will never unite if we keep rejecting one of the two out of the fold of Islam.
Allah swt says :they fight you only because you say Allah is one."
Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
FG: you ain't getting my point. I am only trying to drive one point home. That is, differences of practices among muslims do not expel the other group out of Islam. We must therfore understand the point of unity and stress on it which is the aqidah of all muslims.
Definition of Aqida is the contract of belief with Allah swt. something that is very very fundamental to muslim belief system. If any of the conditions of aqidah are not fullfilled, that person is not a muslim.
Based on this, tell me if someone doesn't believe in the historical event of karbala just the same way a group of muslims do, have they denied any basic requirements of aqidah? if yes, that means they are out of the fold of Islam and you will have to bring proof from Quran to establishes this ruling, because conditions of aqidah are explicitly given in the Quran.
If your answer to that is no! then it can not be part of aqidah, that means rituals of Muharram are only traditions. Anybody who follows it, that's their personal act and it should be respected. And anybody who does not follow it, are believers like the other because they believe in the same articles of faith.
Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
napster said:
Assalamu ALikum,
Thatbleeq was started by Mawlana Ilyaas Rahmathullahi Alai.In India,Mewawthi.
He started the jamat Tableegh, not tableegh.
napster said:
For Nabi Such as Aatham (A.S) didnt have that responsibility but he did that too.So as I known it starts from him.
Who taught you this theory. And if we assume your theory is right, then what makes you or anbody else responsible for tableegh? you or anybody else for that matter is not even nabi but are claiming the job of a rasool see verse 213 in surat AlBaqarah: Mankind was one single nation and Allah sent Messengers (Allah swt use the word nabiyeen here) with glad tidings and warnings.
Age: 58
7907 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
DV77, thanks for posting this important topic.
I am really very sad to see reaction from JB audience. There is hardly any reaction on this topic except for sympathies.
Friends, is this not a replica of pre-Islamic Arab society? Because people do not believe that needs of person born are the responsibility of its creator, they think they are the providers and one more mouth to feed means less for everybody else.
A society tolerant of child killing and gender discrimination is being portrayed as a power in the region. Karo Kari, though another henious crime, is much less rampant then killing infant girls, yet is publicised more. I am sure you know why -- because it is committed in a so called Islamic Country.
Age: 58
7907 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Don't believe in heresay. I can't believe that there was nobody in 40's to respond to christian missionary's attacks on Islam, and the entire country of Turkey did not have one person to encounter the same This is unbelieveable.
Jama't tableegh is not the one that stands up in the face of attacks on Islam. Nor do they make tableegh to non-muslims. They do not have any role in bringing awareness about Islam in the West, especially among non-muslims. Their sole focus is on muslims who do not pray.
They do a good job in educating ignorant people of very very basics of Islam. They stop right there because they do not have anything to offer after that.