
Age: 58
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Insha Allah
Posted 07 Apr 2009


Age: 58
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I can't express my grief and sorrow over this incident. Inna lillahi wa in na ilaihi rajio'oun.

Her killer should be doused with acid in public. one drop at a time
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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sweetie said:

i luv da word 'ummi'
its so nice

Quran used that word among others to say mother.

you may have your children call you ummi when you will have some.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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My feeling about publicising an act like this had a different objective behind it. It is more of a smear campaign against Islam. What it tells people is if you wish shariah law, then this is what you get, "flogging".

They want people to see that Islam is all about restrictions and punishmentments....glaring examples of shariah application are Afghanistan, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, and now Swat valley....what is your alternative?
exactly! western lifestyle! can do whatever you want and there is no punishment because it is "humane" way of life that allows freedoms for all sorts of behaviors.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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This is exactly the kind a reaction this video was intended to generate -- anger against the application of Islamic law.

news outlets reported that it was a fake video and the girl claimed to be the victim has denied flogging. There are also reports circulating that two flogging incidents happened, one was fake and the other was true.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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sun_shine said:

Smooth_daddy said:

There are two worships that earn us good deeds for doing nothing.

1 - looking at Kaaba with the intention that it is the house of Allah and is the most blessed place on earth.

2 - looking upon the face of our mothers with love.

*MashAllah Beautiful "Thought Of The Day" Sir...!

Jazaki-Allaho Khairan
This isn't my thought, it is somewhat like the saying of the Prophet SAW (in my own words).
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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Zam, thanks!
It would make it a whole lot easier to read throough your post if you did not mix upper and lower cases -- please consider that.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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There are two worships that earn us good deeds for doing nothing.

1 - looking at Kaaba with the intention that it is the house of Allah and is the most blessed place on earth.

2 - looking upon the face of our mothers with love.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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now, cuz bazi ain't here no more, you call him a drama    

its true, those poison assets are what killing those banks and creditors....
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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...returning to the subject of Khadija RA, she ran a business from home. She did not go out in the market and dealt with merchants and traders even before Islam... I have never found any credible evidence showing her active participation in the market place...She owned business and she ran it through hired managers...after she married the Prophet SAW, she did not pursue the business matters like she did before.

If anyone can show a reference contrary to the claims above, I'll be very interested in reviewing that material.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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Asian said:

(phoned pakistani high commisssion) o my god, USLESS PEOPLE

I have contacted and visited Pakistani Consulate on several ocassions and generally, my experience with desi officals has been terrible

For a change, when i called the Pakistani Consulate in Houston, TX, a local girl answered the phone. She was uncharacteristically (by Paki standards)very polite, patient, and was willing answer all my questions. But then she did not know about one detail of Pakistani visa related issue, so she transferred over to that section. OooooMmmmGGGGGG, a desi official who got on line was so eager to get off-line with me and actually told me that you have asked too many details and he can't stay on the phone to answer my questions and didn't care if he had fully clarified the matter I was confused about. He wanted me to either call back or visit the consulate which is more than 500 miles from where I live just to get an answer....These officials have no sense of public service or just customer service.

So tell me about their uselessness and I can relate with it.

Desis, in general, have an attitude that they don't know others can is almost arrogant, contemptous and degrading.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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Asian said:


So what about in Pakistan. the women who need to work arn't allowed, and the women who do work are useless

I can only speak about my own thinking which could be totally wrong...anybody is free to criticize.

Women who need to work to make a living should be allowed to work....however, they should be careful about where they work and what they do to make a we learned in this topic that work environment in many places is quite challenging for female workers....they should be careful and selective in the choice of their work.

Women wanting to excel in a profession should also be afforded opportunities to excel....however, from religious standpoint, Islam gives the man of the household a right that women should seek his permission before leaving home. We can discuss details if needed.

If there isn't a need (as opposed to desire for richness), in my humble opinion, women should stay home. The price that women and people in their household pay for their emplyment is much higher than what they earn. And by that, I mean social, emotional, pschological ... prices.
Posted 07 Apr 2009


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shaista said:

Why shouldn't women work? They should get education. Aur woh parhai hi kia jo kaam na aaye?
Aur sub se bari example humare liye, aur jo humare loog kehte hain ke aurat ko kaam nahin karna chahye, woh theen Bibi Khadidja. Woh kaam karti theen.
And i agree with castro, there should be a balance in work and family

Uses of education are far beyond gainful employment and earnling a livelihood, or for gaining other economic, social or other benefits. but for this subject, wtih due respect Shaista, ... I think, we stretch things a bit too far....and jump to conclusions and draw parallels between apples and oranges...

I mean no punt and only want to set things straight. There is absolutely no comparison between the circumstances, conditions, environments or of anything else of us and ummul Mo'mineen, Khadijah RA -- one of the three highest ranking women ever. If we are not fully sure of what we are saying, let's not pull these most revered persons into petty discussions...FGS, let's not argue over that just for the sake of argument.

In principle, I favor women having a right to earning...for how and where they earn their livlihood are debateable...for how they get treated where they work have many factors play into understanding of this topic is only one aspect of poor treatment, i.e. "men-dominated workplaces don't accomodate women workers with equal opportunity and equal status." ..........correct me Asian if I have misstated the subject of your topic.....I apologize if my words sound unfriendly, I have no intentions of disrespecting anyone.
Posted 03 Apr 2009


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Well, I wont call 'em all idiots, but they have a mindset just like you and I have a mindset -- they have their theories which we don't agree with, but not all of them are idiots...yes, odds are against you and you have to succed against them all.
Posted 03 Apr 2009


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What's goning to happen next?...exactly!
These rich people who are holding large reserves of cash are going to pose like angels to cash-strapped people...they will buyout foreclosing homes and closing businesses for pennies on the dollar from desperate sellers.

Recessions heart poor and average people, while for the rich, it is another opportunity of exploiting people when they are down.
Posted 02 Apr 2009


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Recesion exists. It is worsened further by the fear of (paper currency) has disappeared from the market place in very large, it has not just evaporated in thin air, it has accumulated in a few hands and they are hoarding it....this money has been siphoned off average persons' savings.

...Did you all see how people protested at the G20 meeting in London? They are angry because they were affected by this recession....many lost jobs and many more are going to loose jobs...many lost their savings, others lost retirement funds, and yet many are on the verge of loosing their homes...
Posted 02 Apr 2009


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Hey, that's called: sailing against the needs 10 times more strength, character, and determination than a regular person in a society.
Posted 01 Apr 2009


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In Arabic, "Um" or "Ummi"
Posted 01 Apr 2009


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you have the right to earn your living to your full potential...I support got bigger brains than guys! you should prevail over them...
Posted 01 Apr 2009


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Asian said:

thankz smooth i totally agree

the more and more i study law, the more i ask why, islam is the only faith i find answers in

its sad not alot of my generation ask the same Q's

Its a blessing, and Allah bestows this favor upon servants whom he chooses for His Love....Keep up the good work!
Posted 01 Apr 2009


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Asian, Im really very impressed by your thinking and the way you see things .

On the subject of recession, it is not a mere perception. It is the greed of few men in-charge of money worldwide who are siphoning off small investors' savings to their own richness.

Talking of Capitolism, there isn't a mature capitalism anywhere in the world. Rescuing institutions is a socialist practise. Real capitalism would have allowed failing instituions to die....meaning, capitalism failed to sustain prosperity. Instead, it brings out corruption.

Their greatest fear is not the failure of capitalism. It is alternative that sends jitters through many capitalist capitols - Islam -- a complete system as opposed to just a religion.
Posted 01 Apr 2009


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What a nice topic! Sunshine you are the angel of JB...

my thought of the day: Be generous! not only in your pocket book, but also in your praise, smile, care, help, kindness, sacrifice, love ... bcuz the Most Merciful gives back with much greater generosity.
Posted 01 Apr 2009


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gosh....! why there is so much bitterness all over the forum now a days Everybody is at someone else FGS, quit before people start quitting the forum.
Posted 01 Apr 2009


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Asian said:

jason statham said:

jobs karey kis ne roka hai :p

let me see,

criteria of job descriptions
male domnated fields
masjonitic twits

the list is endless

... yeah, job market may not be totally fair to gals, but know it well that bread winning has been guys job from the begining of time. They have an inherited sense of ownership to that and its not going to change overnight or over a decade... girls find it hard to break through! well, they have entered uncharted territory...and like everything else, they would have to prove their worth and toughness needed to remain in the market and me, job market is not any friendlier to guys either....guys are pitched against their male peers, and only worthy, and tough ones can survive and move forward.

girls are welcom to work, but don't expect a smooth ride, because there ain't a thing called smooth ride in the job market...rather lookout for rough rides and push is unfortunate, but it's the reality.

Now, I'd only say a thing about attitude....male-bashing isn't gonna change anything. More negative attitude we have the more negative energy we generate. It does no good and we get nothing but more frustration.
Posted 31 Mar 2009


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knit picking ain't necessary. I try to focus on the beef of the matter.
Posted 31 Mar 2009


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It is so sad to read about CF's accident

May Allah cure him fully and restore his health. Ameen

LG, please keep us posted about his condition. Thanks
Posted 20 Mar 2009


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castro said:

Smooth_daddy, Buy an airgun and shoot them.

so a BB gun would do it!

Posted 20 Mar 2009

Topic: Athiests


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Oklahoma City, United States that's a hear breaking story....I believe she had her eyes glazed with western glamor. If you keep filling her in with reminders, someday when she'll reflect, its gonna hit her. So keep doing the good work. That's all asked of you. Only Allah changes hearts.
Posted 19 Mar 2009


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dead-gum it!! didn't think of that   

on another thought, we are not kiling bunnies, we're just cooking 'em Castro is the killer
Posted 19 Mar 2009


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Theek hai, janab.
I'll do that right now.

Asian is sooooo going to kill!

pm it! I won't tell Asian
Posted 19 Mar 2009