Topic: Athiests


Age: 58
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Asian said:

you even get athiest pakistani's

Like the one girl I know who believes in Spirits/Jinns but not in God.

What a

They are everywhere.

Invite them to Islam...this is your chance....remember, these people will stand in front of Allah on DoJ and say that I knew Muslims but they did not tell me about islam. what'd be our response
Posted 19 Mar 2009


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Ah, so nice of you, Mr Anti-Bunny ... (Well sometimes!)

...only when you pass on recipies
Posted 19 Mar 2009


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...well, may be not all of em. I'll save some for miss scorpio .
Posted 19 Mar 2009


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castro said:

This is from last year. If I remember correctly they are two. Both of them cotton tails. Taste great when bar be qued.!! they must be big

you can come over to my place and have as many as you want.
Posted 19 Mar 2009


Age: 58
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Asian said:

SD and castro


me no hunter but am annoyed by these little killing my yard if your bunny friends quit chewing on my property, I would to see'em hop around....

I guess, aught to hire castro for the job
Posted 19 Mar 2009

Topic: Athiests


Age: 58
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...and died on the cross for you

and she has right to hate but people of faith can't hate athiests
Posted 17 Mar 2009


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Smooth_daddy said:

I have wild bunnies in my back yard chewing down roots of beautiful bermuda I paid for so dearly One day im gona BBQ those little devils on my grill...and have a last laugh chewing on homegrown grass fed bunny stake

Make sure you use every spice there is!
Hmmm, I wonder if Shaan do masala mixes for BBQ karghosht ........

...hmmm Shan masala ... 'll chk the local desi store

send me the "bunny bbq" recipie...and bunny roast and ...whatever you can make of 'em....I've a ton of 'em in n'hood
Posted 17 Mar 2009


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Asian said:

we can burrow deep into the ground and have big teeth, set a doggie choggie on me watch him get riped to peices

yeah, yeah, yeah... bunny teeth are made for root teeth are made for bone crunching

It'll be fun to watch bunnies scampering for safety when dog chases for kill
Posted 17 Mar 2009


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castro said:

How abt this... Ahh Good old days...

way to go man...
Posted 17 Mar 2009


Age: 58
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well, you aint chewing my grass ....bunnies in my neighborhood attack my yard cuz everybody else has a dog...I know they are scared of dogs

I will feed my dawg bunny meat for many days and them starve him for a couple of days to make it crave for it...we'll see how bunnies are not scared of dogs
Posted 17 Mar 2009

Topic: Athiests


Age: 58
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Those denying their own creation, they can burp out any theory and pull ridiculous argument in its support...

This will carry on until the end of time.
Posted 17 Mar 2009


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Im getting a dog -- bunny hunter
Posted 17 Mar 2009


Age: 58
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bunnies have rights
yeah!, sneak under the the fence and chew down planted grass in the dark of winter nights! long as they don't get caught
Posted 17 Mar 2009


Age: 58
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I have wild bunnies in my back yard chewing down roots of beautiful bermuda I paid for so dearly One day im gona BBQ those little devils on my grill...and have a last laugh chewing on homegrown grass fed bunny stake
Posted 17 Mar 2009

Topic: Athiests


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
That must have been a bunny bad boy!!

Just kidding

...after all, Its all monkey business ...what do you expect of people who take monkeys and their likes as their forefathers!!
Posted 17 Mar 2009


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Muslims are not permitted to celebrate pagan holidays. Monothiestic belief rejects all gods other than Allah and their rituals. Muslims submit to One God, Allah, who is the Creator, Owner, Sustainer, and Lord of all. That is the most basic element of Islam. Celebrating rituals of a god or its diciple that is other than Allah is a contradiction to this pillar of faith.
Posted 12 Mar 2009


Age: 58
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What is holi?
Now, I know its a hindu tradition, I wanna know the significance of it.

Why should I celebrate holi?

I don't ask no hindu or christian to celebrate my holidays because it may offend them. Muslims celebration of pagan holidays offends me.

Posted 12 Mar 2009

Topic: Testing


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JB, PM me when you are ready to have a meeting. i can't just keep trying and finding nothing's happening. Im sorry, I got alota otha things to do.
Posted 05 Mar 2009


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Im on board
Posted 05 Mar 2009


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lildude said:

Message for Every Muslim          &nbs p;         &nbs p;         &nbs p;         &nbs p;   
Prophet(Muhammad)(peace be upon Him).

1).The Danish man who has insulted and abused our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on drawing funny offended cartoons last year was found deadly burned (expired) with all members of his family. The relevant authority (Danish Government) has hidden this news (did not disclose it). All who has love with Prophet (PBUH) are requested to disseminate this information to other 25 persons after receiving this e-mail; as a religious and pious Palestinian girl and other devout man witnessed that they have seen Prophet (PBUH) in dream and were advised to circulate this news to others. Those who do so will see bright changes in their health, wealth home and have all happiness and pleasure ; while those who don't circulate it to others will get so sad and gloomy and will face problem in home, health, wealth etc; because they are not defending for Prophet against His enemies.

2).Take it seriously and don't miss the chance.

3).Forwarded for widest dissemination please.


how are you so sure about this news? Where would we verify your statement?

Not that you are spreading rumors, but I would rather have authentic news sent out to others. I hope you understand that we don't want to become a laughing stock again. it brings greater harm than benefit if news like this are circulated without authentication and later proved to be just a rumor.
Posted 12 Feb 2009


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I learned a similar dua a while back

"Allahumma, ya muqqalibal quloob, sabit qulubona ala deenik"

My Lord, who turns hearts, steadfast our hearts on your religion.
Posted 06 Feb 2009

Topic: SNOW


Age: 58
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do you guys get ice storms and sleet

we had big dump last week. you still see patches of ice in some places. Its the worst thing to drive on

I love snow. I like the sight of it covering everything.
Posted 04 Feb 2009


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Its a good topic. It helps support each other on good deeds. Keep on praying!
Posted 29 Jan 2009


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Then do we blame others when the fault lies within ourselves!
Posted 29 Jan 2009


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Frankie, your point is well taken.
U r right, US is now viewed as a bully....thanks to Bush and his cronies....Im not advocating US's policies. Yes they are Israel-centric and influenced by Jewish lobby. But you should read American history of last century and see how Jews were treated in the US. They did not become a darling of US establishment overnight. They worked together and worked hard with a longterm vision. Muslims in US are only now starting to come out of subsurface hiding into political areana of the US without a vision.

"why on earth would Muslims want the US as their stooge" ....for the very reason Jews want US to be their stooge -- you kmow the answer, right!

Iraq is not a fiasco, it is exactly what US and Israel wanted to example to the Muslim world if they dared challenge western lifestyle....Iraq or Afghanistan are not the only places of target of destruction for US military might....All of that is to prove one point -- western lifestyle/democracy/capitalism be seen as a powerful SYSTEM to reckon with.

I never said US didn't block UNSC did not VETO it, which it could have. Technically, there is a huge difference between the two. US did make that resolution ineffective and prevented its enforcement. That is the impact of Jews having political clout in Washington. If Muslims can counter that and at least neutralize that influence, you will see some balancing in US may take upto 50 years if Muslims were to put their act together, today.

Yes, US has the strength to stop Israeli aggressions. It did not stop Israel in 2006 from attacking Lebanon, until they were forced out. But you tell me, why US should not favor Israel when the well wishers of Israel, to say the least, are making US policies (foreign and domestic). Can Muslims be in that position, you bet yah! They will have to work their pants off.

Speaking of Palestinian misery, my heart wrenhces seeing inflictions and hurt of Palestinians...It hurts even more when they fight among themselves. Fatah issued statement last week saying on the lines that it will fight Hamas to gain control of the government...Israel killed people of both sides but Fatah did not utter a word against Israeli attrocities. We expect US to side with Gazans when their own brothers ditched them!

Let alone Jews, India has gained more influence on US establishment than the entire Muslim world, South America, and Africa together. It is because they are following the same path Israelies did - they have tied American interests to Indian interests in multiple layers. So the US president is a stooge of India too! I don't know how familiar you are with the US political system, their think tanks, their thought processes, and workings of lobbysts in the background.

My dear Franky, our hearts ache and eyes shed tears but we should not let that compromise our intellectual sense in the wake of tragedies. Try to think from different angles.

Enemy of Islam and Muslims is none but the Muslims themselves. Black sheep among us and our naivity are the worst enemies. No people will help us except us and only with the help of Allah.

We need three things to move ahead: leadership continum, vision of 50 to 100 years, and unity.

What intrigued me respond the first time is the fact that Muslims are caught up in the Obama fever. That is our problem. We swing from one extreme to the other in a flash. There are people thinking Obama is a Muslim and will favor Muslims. That is so absurd....There are others who think he is a slave of Jewish lobby and will continue to harm Muslims. That may have some merit but its not a totally correct assessment of what to expect from Obama -- only time will tell! But, we expect subtle changes in foreign policy and in its implementation....we are facing the lesser of two evils....I will strongly recommend visiting "Sulh Hudaibiya" and reading experts' opinion on it.... that was a treaty to accept the lesser of two evils. Best of the comapnions disprovingly reacted to the treaty. The leadership of the Prophet SAW, his vision and unity of the Muslims proved treaty advantageous to Muslims which appeared to be against their interests.

Those are my two cents
Posted 26 Jan 2009


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...didn't keep count!
spare just 10 min a day for Quran - after a while you'll miss it if you didn't it the allocated time.
Posted 26 Jan 2009


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mr nice guy said:

israel america ko bas use kar raha hai..ab america kuch israel ke barey me boley ga tu aj jese halat hai kal aur ho jaege kharab

my friend, why don't you use America? do you have that much strength? 60 Muslim countries with worlds most valuable resources do not have one voice. Do not have one common interest, and they do not have one person that speaks on their behalf. Israel speaks for all the Jews in the world wherever they may be.
Posted 23 Jan 2009


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Mysty, you sound preety irked by my comments. Sorry you felt that way but I agree with you on some issues and I disagree with your view point on several others.

One, He has not been elected to protect or save Muslims of the world especially from Jews. Jews are almost as many in US as there are Muslims. Unfortunately, Muslims are like foam and have very little influence in US politics. Who is stoping Muslims from making US president a stooge of theirs? None but themselves. We only like blaming others for our own weaknesses. Hispanics are the largest minority in US. Their value counts less than Jews, why? ....cuz Jew make their weight felt. They came through much persecution and worked their bottoms off to get where they make their presence felt.

Two, in nearly all Muslim countries, there is a sentiment of hate against US. They want to destroy it and are happy at any hurt sent its way. Yet, they all want America to save them, protect them, and support them. We only talk of bad about US but we expect Americans to have open heart and acceptance toward us. Who is hypocrite here?

Three, death of 1300 palentinians is heart wrenching. Who watched their killing from sidelines. UNSC passed resolution against Israel -- US did not veto it. Arab league is debating over matters if countries like Qatar should continue to have same level of relationship with Israel. Qatar is unwilling to give it up. So AL is stuck about resolving issue of funding Palestinians in Gaza. Who is a stooge and bent upon protecting their relations with US and Israel at the cost of Gazans misery?

Four, I agree that Israel is brutal in its treatment of Palestinians. Palestinians are not any less brutal against each other. Lst years, the two factions of palestinians fought against each other and killed dozens among each other. Somebody would say, "it was Israeli conspiracy." So paleslinians are so stupid that they play in the hands of their common enemy so well they kill their own brethren.....because we are hungry for any bit of authority and power....and we blame America!

Five, what about stooges of the US president? your own rulers are stooges of Americans and zionists. They are more willing to oblige than expected -- remember Musharaf's response after 911.

Six, American are joyfully hysterical about Obama's presidency and they are fully backing him. Can you say that about any Muslim ruler save a couple!

Seven, US president is a stooge of US political system, and American public which many of Muslim countries can only wish to see in their homeland in their lifetime.

So my sis, you may call US president what you may wish but I tell you, people in US hold their presidents at a very high esteem. You know why? because they made that person the President of United States of America and they respect their own choice. Let me know when you feel that way for Mr. Zardari or anybody else.

Posted 23 Jan 2009


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Muslims are the most naive people in world -- what makes you all think he is a Muslim...just bcz his father named him a Muslim name?

He claims to be christian and that's what he is. You all pin hopes in him only cuz he's name is a Muslim name!

He is an american president voted in the office by American people and he's in the office to serve Americans and protect their interests....

He's a stooge of what?
He is the most powerful person on earth today....cuz we can't do anything we call others names like stooge! He worked hard to get where he is today....

Im not his die-hard fan, but I think he is a man of accomplishment....A posterboy of struggle and rising from dirt to the highest pinnicale....I have a great respect for his name-call him, we aught be at par in accomplishment...for being fair.
Posted 22 Jan 2009


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May Allah cure your mom Rap, and may He restore her health completely. Ameen
Posted 21 Jan 2009