
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Can someone define munafiqat? How do you measure it and how would you know if someone is munafiq?
Posted 20 Aug 2008

Topic: Namaz


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
No, that is not permissible.
Posted 20 Aug 2008

Topic: Namaz


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
What do you mean by that?
eyes intentionally closed! ---No
closed because of some ailment! ---Yes
closed because tired or sleepy! ---No
Posted 20 Aug 2008


Age: 58
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congrats Dr. TT !
Sorry, didn't get to know about it until just now. I don't visit very often.

Posted 20 Aug 2008


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~Fragi~ said:

problems hamesha dono sides per hoti hai

Yes! but some times one side exceeds all bounds... I don't know about you or NB but I don't find any justification in killing your own brethren... let alone sisters -- especially young and adolescent. We are begging peace with those who slashed our motherland. We are longing for friendship and diplomatic relationship with those who threatened to destroy Pakistan's nuclear project. But we become so intolerant of our own who disagree with their surrounding culture....There were no other options left except military action? Is it justifyable to kill your Muslim brothers and sisters who did not commit a crime?

Message, of now deposed President, is oxymoronic: use brutal force against those who defy one point of view and crush them with a sledge hammer...yet he wants people to be tolerant of other's views... dah!!! Old adage goes, "actions speak louder than words."

Yes, be tolerant of all views, opinions, customs, cultures, behaviors, and blah, blah, blah...but there is no tolerance against Islam or its followers...that the coded message regime sends to the nation.

This military that every Pakistani was proud of; no one can hold their heads up in the same pride for its gallantry against women and its failure against aggressions -- thanks to musharraf...confidence of Pakistanis in their military is as high as it was after 1971 war.

Shahid Masood is a liberal in his philosophy but he cries his heart out in this heart goes out to those innocent men, women and children who died in that debacle.

Law of retribution of the Creator grips all and sundry - those who perpetrate crime, who condone it, support it, endorse it... and those who do not object or question the oppression, save those who stand against it. Collective punishment is about to break open. Difficulties are only signs of it. Tyrant rulers, poverty, disease, hunger, violent crimes, insecurity, wars and other natural calamities are waiting in the wings for one order, "Kun" and it will unleash its destruction. It will surround us from all directions and there will be no escape... our children and grand children will pay for our insensitivity.
Let's repent and reform without delay!
Posted 19 Aug 2008


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Man, I am baffled by some comments and observations....Iftekar Chaudhry has blood on his hands!!! He couldn't come out of the airport on May 12, '07 let alone any instigations he caused. How about blood on the hands of the governor and CM of Sind at that time and the president who approved of belligerence of his puppets in KHI. What an angle and twist of blame on CJ! Culprits were seen openly on many news casts and private videos wielding AK-47s.

"...politicians can sell their home land for dollars..." and what about mush? Northern pakistan is no different than Afghanistan and Iraq. Daily, tens of people are killed by their own countrymen like in other two contries. Who sold the homeland for $ and who sold Pakistani citizens for $?

Why did Musharaf accept the NRO under US pressure? Because, he had personal interest of ruling Pakistan set ahead of national interest.

We have corrupt politicians who are true reflection Pakistanis -- who are if not corrupt, they condone corruption and look the other way.

Pakistan needed a generation that had sacrificed and built strong Pakistan for the next generations. That did not happen as corruption passed along from generation to generation with ever increasing greed and lust. Roots of that disease have reached every nook and corner of the country and has afflicted nearly every household. In pursuit of that evergrowing avarice around personal interests, Pakistanis welcomed filthy politicians who are now full-grown ugly monsters. And best yet, military dictators had a full role in this development.

I can't careless about Zardari and his cronies but I don't have any sympathies for Musharaf either. I only hope that his replacement would not be worse.

Nation as a whole has to repent and reform if they want a better Pakistan for their children and grand children. Ramadhan is approching fast, and there can not be a better time for reforming oneself and its surroundings.
Posted 19 Aug 2008


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...remember, people of Pakistan elected Zardari's party into power. Let Pakis learn to respect and tolerate the decision of the majority -- if we care for democracy to prevail...also, remeber that Zardari is a Pakistani and if it wasn't him, someone else like him would have come into power. The nation as a whole is gripped by corruption. Whoever gets an opportunity plunders Pakistani resources for personal riches...Every Paki will have to repent and reform if we want people of high moral character to hold the reins of power.
Posted 19 Aug 2008


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Rapunzel said:

Smooth_daddy said:

Rapunzel said:

The journey was not with a physical body but was a vision of the highest type.

Rap: With due respect, that statement is not true. In fact, it is contrary to what Quran says and what ahadeeth of the prophet SAW have narrated of his blessed journey.

im really very sorry SD u r 1000% right i will take care next time n thnxx for telling me

...much appreciated!!
Posted 01 Aug 2008


Age: 58
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Rapunzel said:

The journey was not with a physical body but was a vision of the highest type.

Rap: With due respect, that statement is not true. In fact, it is contrary to what Quran says and what ahadeeth of the prophet SAW have narrated of his blessed journey.
Posted 31 Jul 2008


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What is "Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)"and "Ziyarat of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)?"
Posted 31 Jul 2008


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Rapunzel said:

Smooth_daddy said: you want to know what my position is with regard to Musharaf...he should change his name to Mukhabbus (which rhymes with Mukhannas)... that reflects my views without going into details.

U did great Job,i think apki baat Inho ne sun li hai

That's undelievable good search Rapu
Posted 08 Jul 2008


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Asian said:


i dont usally post here but i was compelled to. i can understand your point because i struggle everyday with these concepts. myself i was blessed my mother ALLAH us ko Bakshay was my best friend, sex drugs everything she told me before i was exposed, but most importantly she told me what islam says

i believe all humans are responcible for their own actions, enviroment and friends are a bquwas excuse, we die we go infront on ALLAH and say what? "my friends were doing it too?"

on the topic of women, let me tell you larki koi kaam nahi lol, when a woman talks to another about someones dress sense or someones daily activities or appereance.

what i'am trying to say is, sister and brotherhood can only begin when a muslim values ones self

point well taken
Posted 02 Jul 2008


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Mr. Nice Guy, Burqa is an extended form of hijab...yes, there are those who wear it but have no recognition of its dignity....just like when I saw some people in the vicinity of Haram (Kaaba) who were cursing in the holiest place on earth - they had no recognition of the dignity of that place.
Posted 02 Jul 2008


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shahrukh khan said:

i said this cause i heard stories abt it...

baseless, yes, because stories are hearsay ...
Posted 02 Jul 2008


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I don't doubt that there must be some black sheep but many many more are doing hijab with the fear of God in their hearts.

I know many American women who chose to take hijab in a time when there has been so much hostility against it. They are more courageous than those who shed clothes to blend-in....I know some who were really bad but when fear of God hit them, they repented and adopted modesty and hijab.

That doesn't mean those who don't wear hijab are bad either.
Posted 02 Jul 2008


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...based on stories you spit out statements that are bseless and hurtful !!!!!
Posted 02 Jul 2008


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I don't know what you meant, I don't know what you meant but what you said is made a blanket statement.
Posted 02 Jul 2008


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SRK, you have compelled me to post today...

I have taken a very serious offense of your generalized statement that you have slapped everyone with it You better take it back

My wife wears hijab. we are encouraging our daughter to learn the values of hijab as opposed to following perverted practise of showing off and serving up as an eye-candy to the scanning sights of sick minds.

Posted 02 Jul 2008


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Oklahoma City, United States you want to know what my position is with regard to Musharaf...he should change his name to Mukhabbus (which rhymes with Mukhannas)... that reflects my views without going into details.
Posted 25 Jun 2008


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Im not a scholar but I'd ask maulana if it is haram to eat prawns. It may may be disliked but it sure is not haram.
Posted 04 Apr 2008


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Posted 04 Apr 2008


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what is that?
Posted 04 Apr 2008


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OK folks, the matter of halal and haram is very serious. No one has the authority to render anything halal or haram except Allah, much less guessing around.

having said that, crabs are not haram. Allah permitted Muslims to eat all that is found in the water. Now, Islam does not prohibit you from using your own sense in choosing what you would like to consume from halal things.

Visiting a pub is not permissible, whether on Friday or any other day - It is a place of open rebellion to Allah's commands. Well, to relieve oneself in a bathroom in a pub when there are no other alternatives available, of course, Allah does not intend unnecessary hardship on human.
Posted 04 Apr 2008


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I agree with you. I have seen all kinds of bums.
Yes there are greedy relatives and those who think they hit a gold pot if a relative of their's goes out of pak.

But there are also those who value their sons as their investment, especially the oldest one. In many cases I know, parents pooled all their assets to send their children to US for ed and for him to earn for the rest of the fam. His siblings don't get the same opportunity to go overseas and lead a better life. This son who went overseas is indebted for life for this sacrifice that his parents and siblings made. Then there is this moral responsibilty of supporting less fortunate relatives. There are multiple presures on guys to help his family. Family in Pak is under pressure from other relatives and friends taunting for how their son cares less about them....In this mess there are those opportunists and greedy relatives who are unhappy only because they just don't have a carte blanche.
Posted 26 Mar 2008


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I am not surprised that this discussion is mostly between girls and some of the stories are really horrifying. I sure feel sorry especially for recently married and to be moms for having situations like that.

I think we need to look at the flip side as well.
Posted 26 Mar 2008


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This seems like a general problem for all pakis living in the west or ME. There are a ot of background to it. This can be argued in many different ways depending on how you look at it.

Thankfully, my parents and siblings in pak never demanded any support from me even when they needed it.
Posted 26 Mar 2008


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Its the attitude.
Posted 10 Mar 2008


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Oklahoma City, United States

Smooth_daddy said:

... I see illegal aliens wearing SK in US ...wonder you are looking for desi aliens at Mars!

If there is a job market there, you bet desi aliens would be there - shrouded in SK seeking desi food, especially halal meat

Not to mention talking loudly & barking orders!

you got that right
Posted 07 Mar 2008


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
... I see illegal aliens wearing SK in US ...wonder you are looking for desi aliens at Mars!

If there is a job market there, you bet desi aliens would be there - shrouded in SK seeking desi food, especially halal meat
Posted 06 Mar 2008

Topic: I vote for ?


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Military man, who takes over civilian rule, automatically discharged from service with all honors forfeited. The next general in line with seniority will replace him/her effective immediately all COS will report to him/her.
Posted 21 Feb 2008