
Age: 58
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....and this is the follow up on the same story.

Our special daughters

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
WHEN the Editorial Board of the Jang Group decided after long and very intense discussions that we should publish the story of the special daughter, it was a difficult decision as there was immense pressure coming from all sides, including the movers and shakers of the God-gifted Republic of Pakistan and even some elements within our own house. That the people, at all levels, got involved in an otherwise straight story exposing blatant misuse of authority and position, was surprising. It was argued at senior and powerful levels that this story should not be published because it involved the career of a daughter, a young student who was trying to improve her chances of making her life more meaningful and productive. It was hammered on us that publication of one such case would not change the destiny or the prevalent system in the country. We were repeatedly reminded that authority is always used in the developing and the Third World countries in a similar manner and not much would change with this one episode, even if it is splashed on the pages of the print media. Attempts were made to emotionally blackmail us as it would ruin the life and career of a young and innocent lady.

We considered all these arguments before we decided to go ahead with the story. Our Editorial Board did not agree with most of these arguments, except the one that such misuse of authority is common in Banana Republics. We weighed the pros and cons and when it was clear to us that by unduly favouring the career of one young Pakistani, we would, by design, be ruining the careers of thousands of other similarly placed young boys and girls, not linked to powerful and mighty high-ups in our political or judicial systems, the verdict was unanimous: we must do our best to stop this injustice, we must throw the first stone and we must show the mirror to those who sit in judgment, deciding life and death matters every day, but when it comes to the future and careers of their own kith and kin, they behave like men of straw.

We believe that this one case of extraordinary favour to the special daughter of a top judicial person will make the rest of us feel belittled and slighted. We believe that the injustice done to hundreds and thousands of others who could not get such special treatment will be undone. We believe that someone somewhere will feel the guilt and come clean with the nation. We hope someone somewhere will resign and reinforce our belief that we can become a nation of honest people where justice can prevail. We hope all our daughters will become special.

Posted 26 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
The news reports this story in today's issue.
Read on!

CJ’s daughter has a head start over thousands

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: In what could become a mass denial of rights of thousands of students throughout the country, the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) Islamabad has illegally awarded extra marks and upgraded the examination results of the daughter of the country’s top judge.

In indecent haste and under direct written orders of the chairman FBISE, relaxing and violating all rules and even some judgments of the Supreme Court, the FSc result of student Farah Hameed Dogar was jacked up from 640 marks in Grade ‘C’ to 661 marks in Grade ‘B’, thus making her eligible to apply for admission into any medical college in the country.

Documentary evidence available with The News, background interviews and on the record discussions with concerned officials of the FBISE establish that the Islamabad Board went out of its way in the case of Farah Hameed Dogar by fast forwarding the entire process of re-checking, re-assessing and even re-marking her examination papers to her advantage and superceding thousands of other candidates who had obtained marks between 642 and 660.

Sources close to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar, however, insisted that no influence was used by the chief justice in his daughter’s case and if the Board had taken some action, they must have done it under the rules or under powers vested with the Board’s chairman.

Documents show the chairman FBISE did all this in “relaxation of rules” but previous Supreme Court verdicts given in October 1995, January 1996 and November 2001, specifically prohibit such tampering with the examination system to benefit any candidate, however mighty or well placed. This cannot be allowed as the process of examination could not be sacrificed at the altar of expediency, the SC had noted in its judgment.

Experts of the system insist that the rules do not allow the chairman or any other authority to re-assess, re-examine or re-mark the already marked papers to increase the obtained marks. In fact according to a notification of the FBISE dated July 24, 2007 the candidates who wanted to improve their marks and grades had to retake the exams, in full or in part. Under this notification students were notified that the facility of improving grade/marks had been extended to the candidates by allowing them to appear in up to two subjects/papers of their choice and at the same time retaining the earlier policy of keeping the option open for the candidates to appear in Part-I or Part-II or in both the parts/entire examination within one year of passing relevant examination.

Interestingly, the candidate Farah Hameed Dogar, who had appeared in the FSc (pre-medical)

final exam from the Islamabad College for Girls F-6/2, had applied for the “re-checking” of certain papers as allowed under the rules. Her papers were re-checked and only one mark was added to her total increasing it from 640 to 641.

But later the chairman ordered that her papers be re-assessed for which four examiners, who had checked her papers, were summoned and asked to do the marking all over again. This exercise gave her an extra 21 marks, placing her in Grade ‘B’ instead of ‘C’. Grade ‘B’, which starts with 60 per cent marks, is the pre-requisite to apply for an entry test in any medical college of Pakistan.

The official gazette of Higher Secondary School Certificate Part-II Examination Annual 2008 dated August 4, 2008, on page 350 clearly shows that Farah Hameed Dogar, Roll number 545207, the daughter of Mr Abdul Hameed Dogar, the Chief Justice of Pakistan, securing 640 marks in Grade C. On 20th August, the candidate formally applied for “re-checking” of four papers including English II, Urdu II, Pakistan Studies II and Physics II after depositing the mandatory Rs1,200 fee at the rate of Rs300 per paper. On August 29, she moved another application before FBISE for re-checking to add the subjects of Chemistry and Biology also. The bank receipt of Rs600 and result card (mark sheet) was also submitted along with the second application.

The application form on its back clearly mentions: “The answer book for a candidate in any examination shall not be re-assessed under any circumstances.” In case of re-checking, it adds: “The re-checking does not mean re-assessment or re-evaluation of the answer book.”

These instructions also clarify that the re-checking would only ensure that; a) there is no mistake in the grand total on the title page of the answer book; b) the total of various parts of a question has been correctly made at the end of each question; c) all totals have been correctly brought forward on the title page of the answer book; d) no portion of any answer has been left un-marked; e) total marks in the answer book tally with the marks sheet; and f) the hand writing of the candidate tally in the question/answer book.

On the very day when Farah Hameed Dogar submitted her application before the FBISE, the then chairman, Commodore (retd) Muhammad Sharif Shamshad wrote on the application form in his own handwriting: “I would like to see her answer books myself also.” His remarks on the file show he was personally interested in the case.

However, when contacted on Friday last and asked why he had taken such personal interest, the FBISE chairman could not remember the case at all. “I am telling you the truth,” he told The News. When pressed again and reminded that he made special remarks on the file displaying his keen interest, the retired commodore insisted that he could not re-collect if he had asked for re-assessment of examination papers in any case.

Normally the cases of re-checking, which are filed with the Board in thousands, are dealt by the concerned secrecy wing of the FBISE. Keeping in view that 30 Intermediate Boards conduct this exam at the same time throughout the country, addition of 21 marks means roughly one hundred thousand students may have been superceded by this one act.

But in the case of the CJ’s daughter, her six papers, as provided under the FBISE rules, were presented before a Re-checking Committee, which on August 30 recommended an increase of only one mark (01) to be added in the subject of Biology as the counting was originally not done correctly. In the case of Physics, Pakistan Studies, Chemistry, Urdu and English, the Committee noted ‘CFC’ (Checked and Found Correct) against each paper.

Then began the use of extraordinary authority. On September 10, 2008 Chairman of the Board, Commodore Shamshad wrote on the file: “Pl. have the answer books of this candidate re-assessed.” This was a clear violation of the FBISE rules but following the chairman’s written orders, the concerned officials complied and it was noted on the file: “Special arrangement may please be made, as directed by the chairman.”

The fast forward process set in. Examiners who had originally checked her papers were summoned and asked to re-mark the papers. The examiner of Biology wrote: “Re-checked and marks awarded are strictly according to the (original) marking scheme. However, in Q No 4, 01 mark has been increased due to error in total, which is now 12 out of 13. So the total marks are now 70 (seventy only).”

The examiner of Pak-Studies wrote: “Rechecked and marks awarded are found up to the mark and found according to the marking scheme. No more mark can be awarded.”The examiner of Chemistry wrote: “Paper rechecked and marks awarded are up to the mark and no more marks can be awarded.”

However, the documents reveal, that on September 13, the examiner of English paper Munir Hussain Anjum of F G College for Men, H-9 Islamabad, reassessed the paper and increased the marks from the previous 58 to 67; the examiner of Urdu paper Dr Ale-Azhaur Aanis of F G Sir Syed College Rawalpindi reassessed the paper and increased the marks from the previous 62 to 67; and the examiner of Physics paper Ejaz Ahmad in his re-assessment increased the marks from the previous 32 to the pre sent 38.

After this extraordinary addition of numbers after re-marking, the file moved upward from one desk to the higher desk and reached the chairman’s office for approval. The recommendation for the chairman was: “Due to above change, marks have been enhanced and result position will be of 661 marks instead of previous 640 marks. The case is forwarded for consideration marks and having approval of enhancement of marks from 640 to 661 in relaxation of existing rules (Vol-II) as directed, please.”

On September 15, 2008 the chairman signed his approval following which the revised mark sheet was issued to the candidate the same day on the instructions of the chairman.It was surprising that after all this effort, when the chairman was contacted by The News on Friday, he could not recollect anything.

The then controller Manzoor Ahmad, working under chairman Shamshad, who is still serving in the FBISE, when approached confirmed that the chairman had ordered the re-assessment of Farah Hameed Dogar’s papers. Ahmad confirmed that the rules do not allow any such re-assessment but he insisted that the orders of the competent authority were followed.

Acting Director Javed Iqbal Dogar, who according to a source, played an important role in facilitating the case, too denied that he knew anything about the case.

Though Mr Dogar claimed he had nothing to do with the case, a very reliable source said that he had been the conduit between some judicial high-ups and the then chairman of FBISE and took him to some important places in Islamabad.

The then deputy controller Tariq Pervaiz when approached also confirmed that there is no provision for re-assessment but said that it was done in the case of Farah Hameed Dogar on the orders of the chairman FBISE.

The concerned assistant controller Chaudhry Akhtar was reluctant to talk to this correspondent.Amongst the examiners, who enhanced Farah’s marks, Dr Ale Azhaur Aanis admitted that he did re-assess the Urdu paper after he was told to do so by the Board. He said that the chairman had passed an order in writing in this respect.

The other examiner Ejaz Ahmad of Physics when contacted said he does not remember any such case. The third examiner Munir Hussain Anjum was inaccessible.

The current chairperson of the FBISE, Miss Shaheen Khan, was too shy to talk to this correspondent.

Posted 26 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States

I am more familiar with the culture in Masajid in US.
Do you see students spreading sheet out for money here in US? ...may be not exactly as that but rather in a sophisticated fashion.

Masajids in US are largely owned by the communities on the front but that is just a facade of ugly corruptions behind the scenes. In realty, rich people in the community own those Masajid. They exploit the charity given for the masjid to meet their personal gains.

Moulvis in the Mosques in many Masajid are employees of the donors and they parrot out what their masters dictate to them.

So, SRK, don't look at your local moulvi for a role model, get the message and dump the messenger (not so righteous moulvi in this case).
Posted 26 Nov 2008


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guys and gals, share your stories.
I am sure you all have done something positive.

Even if you had thought of doing something and then dropped that idea cuz you thought its unethical, share that thought as well. Its the mind set that needs to change and the first step to it is have a positive thought process.

Enjoy posting in various topics but drop in here for some reflections as well....let's hear it from you all smart people out there!
Posted 25 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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SRK, great job keep up the good work
Allah gives blessings in the life and earnings of honest people.
One cannot fix value to a blessing.
Posted 25 Nov 2008

Topic: Ice Rain !!!


Age: 58
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Freezing rain is very dangerous especially when it is follwed by a snow fall.
Posted 21 Nov 2008

Topic: Ice Rain !!!


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
we call it hail; it mostly happens during spring or summer time heavy thunder storms.

Ice rain is somewhat different than hail storm. ice rain occurs in winters. It is associated with winter storms. It is also called freezing rain where rain drops turn into ice on contact with ground or other surfaces above ground.
Posted 21 Nov 2008


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Thanx u all!
I only posted this story to share consiousness we ought to have in our daily wheelings and dealings.

Share yours, even if you consider it petty and insignificant.
Posted 20 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Rapunzel said:

Smooth_daddy said:



yep, that's me
I actually like the way it sounds in Jap
Posted 20 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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I bought a couple of 20 oz cups of drinks from a gas station and also a small plastic cup of Sprite for my daughter. That cup is free and is only for water. I paid what the clerk asked for and left.

When i got to my car, I realized that counter clerk may have thought that I had water in that cup and not charged me for it. For an instance thought came to mind its ok; I then realized that is deception and it is harm for me to drink or feed it to my little daughter. With that thought, I went back in the store and told the clerk that I had sprite in the cup actually meant for water and I want to pay for it. She said there was no need to pay. I felt much better and happier that I didn't feed her haram food.
Posted 20 Nov 2008


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Great job Sunshine
We must take pride in being a Muslim. All other religions' people are bent upon making us ashamed of our religion. We need to raise our head and shoulders with the pride the we are the slave servants of Ar-Rahman.

Keep up the spirit
Posted 18 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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SFA, sorry for your loss but glad you are safe.
I was robbed at gun point and got kicked around by two black guys. I know the feeling!

Let's not genera;ize that all blacks are bad. May be most crimes are commited by blacks but most blacks are not criminals.

Crimes of white people are huge. They only do it in a sophisticated way.
Posted 17 Nov 2008


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I have yet to find a single person who likes this guy. Then how did he become the president of Pakistan?

Would the people of Pakistan learn a lesson? You bet they will not!
Posted 14 Nov 2008


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Posted 14 Nov 2008


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OK! the challenge is on!

Let's report here if we had minor falls and tumbles on the path of self-correction. When we post our errors, we will be concious of it and that will help us correct it.

I strongly urge all members not to post mere expressions, or praises for anyone unless you have something of substance to share. Let's keep this topic for the purpose it has been created for.
Posted 14 Nov 2008


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all corruption roots out of dishonesty. And dishonesty stems from lies. Let's start with ourselves first -- take lies out of our daily life -- face and speak the truth in all circumstances.
Posted 14 Nov 2008


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Let's make a commitment with ourself that we won't lie in our life no matter what happens. Let this be the begining of our war on corruption.
Posted 13 Nov 2008


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you'r right about that. Its easier said than done.
For us living outside of Pakistan, it really does not apply in the context of Pakistan. Though, I see many desis practise their customs of corruption here in US whenever they can. They look for backdoors and shortcuts in whenever they can.

If you want to see effects of it, closely observe functions and administrations of local masjids. You will see sign of corruption there.
Posted 13 Nov 2008


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You may gain a little more support if you start a topic on this subject in FOS.
Posted 13 Nov 2008


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SFA, I can thow a laundry list of things we can do. but again, I will suggest for the very least we quit corruption in any form. We declare personal war on corruption. We leave it all the way and then we don't condone any act of corruption be it of our loved ones or strangers.

Can we it?
Posted 12 Nov 2008


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Thanks SFA!

We should blame none for whatever happens to us. We must take responsibility and work our bottom off to fix it. Lets quit living for luxuries if we care to see our children live with dignity and in prosperity.

If we don't change our approach now, in the next twenty five years, Pakistan will be faced with extremely difficult societal challenges. Sharp contrasts of very large majority living in extreme poverty and wealth accumulating in a few rich hands with almost non-esistant middle class will cause this down spiral and moral degradation in the society.

Lets forget about Israel or anyone else for the moment; its time to work on building a nation on solid grounds.
Posted 07 Nov 2008


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I stumbled upon this article today. It is a very balanced analysis for people who are wondering about what to expect next. Enjoy reading

What should Muslims do in the brave new world of an Obama Administration?

From the Desk of MAS Freedom Civil and Human Rights Director, Ibrahim Abdil-Mu'id Ramey
WASHINGTON, D.C. (MASNET) Nov. 6, 2008 - There is, understandably, a huge wave of euphoria sweeping across the nation, and throughout the world, after Barack Obama's historic Nov. 4 victory in the U.S. Presidential Election.

Also notable is the that the 2008 Presidential campaign also makes the history books as one of the longest and most expensive presidential campaigns - pitting a veteran Republican maverick and "war hero" backed by powerful conservative interests against a previously unknown, first-term Senator and African American with Muslim ancestry.

But the more obvious cause for celebration stems from the fact that for the first time in U.S. history an African-American major party candidate was not only nominated, but actually won the election.

The Obama victory, celebrated by virtually all political progressives, comes after eight years of a truculent and increasingly unpopular Bush administration. The victory comes also in the context of a national financial and market crisis, rising unemployment, a ten trillion dollar national debt, and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that are draining the national treasury.

As the world celebrates with us, we must pause to ask; what does this mean for Muslims in America and what does this new political zeitgeist compel Muslims to do?

I contend, first of all, that Muslims should exhale a collective sigh of relief as the Bush administration fades into history.

Our joy over the election results should be tempered, however, with a critically needed strategy to consolidate and amplify both our political strength and our legitimate presence in civil society.

Not to diminish that the Muslim community has a lot to be happy about. An Obama administration means, first of all, a new Department of Justice, with (hopefully) a great deal more respect for civil rights and greater willingness to enforce the laws that guarantee equal protection.

The Guantanamo prison camp and torture abomination is likely to be dismantled, and it is likely we will see a more progressive policy in the U.S. Department of Justice regarding protection for immigrant rights, especially those of Muslim immigrants and Latinos.

President Obama will also be in a position to appoint federal judges that can counter-act the right-wing stacking of the judiciary under President Bush, and restore some modicum of objectivity and fairness to the courts.

We might also look forward to a potential shift in resources to enhance education, health, and the internal infrastructure with more emphasis on job creation and positive environmental stewardship and conservation compared with the deplorable record of George Bush and Company.

The numbers aren't in yet, but if Virginia is at all typical of trends in our wider community, it's quite likely to be reported that something in the range of an approximate 90% Muslim American vote went for President-Elect Obama.

The number of registered Muslim registered voters in Virginia, for example, exceeded 72,000 persons in the 2008 election. If 80% of this number voted and 90% of those votes went for Obama, then it is likely that Muslim Democratic votes provided a large component of the margin of Democratic victory in the key battleground states.

While Muslims are a relatively small part of the overall electorate, the bloc voting tendency points to the importance of concentrated and mobilized Muslim votes in close elections.

It can also be observed that Muslims leveraged their voting power by forging new and potentially powerful strategic alliances with, for example, Latino communities, labor activists, and African-American civil rights activists.

In the 2008 election campaign, it is clear that the convergence of shared interests within the Muslim community gave birth to larger, progressive collaborations with other political forces to help move the nation beyond the legacy of the Bush administration.

Yet more sobering realities remain.

While the Muslim community voted in large numbers, our impact on a possible shift in American foreign policy in the Middle East leaves something to be desired.

It is no secret that the policy statements from both President-Elect Obama concerning Israel and Palestine - especially Obama's recognition of Jerusalem as the de facto capital of Israel - reinforces the status quo of American regional foreign policy at the expense of a more even-handed and democratic discourse that recognizes not only Israeli security rights, but Palestinian national and human rights as well.

In the course of his marvelous campaign President-Elect Obama made a concerted effort to directly reassure Jewish voters of his sensitivity to their concerns; in comparison, however, Muslims received no such consideration.

There is also the question of challenges to the legitimacy of the American Muslim identity itself.

We remember that Obama campaign staff members removed Muslim women in hijab from a photograph with the candidate - an action that subsequently resulted in a public apology. However, the incident signaled to the Muslim community a "don't-get-too-close-to-Muslims" policy that may carry over into the Obama administration as positions of power are assigned.

Added to these concerns is the ambivalence shown by the Obama campaign on the issue of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

President-Elect Obama's endorsement of American military strikes inside Pakistan raises enormous anxiety and concern for Muslim advocates who seek to demilitarize our foreign policy and create non-violent approaches to building new and better relationships with Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, and other majority-Muslim states on the current American military target list.

However, none of these concerns should dampen our hope and enthusiasm at this moment of monumental political change in America. But the realpolitik of our position requires clear vision, sound policy analysis, and above all, continuous Muslim political mobilization and coalition-building work to assure that a progressive Muslim-American agenda is not subsumed, or even lost, in the mix of regime change in Washington.

So let's congratulate President-Elect Obama for his extraordinary victory, and let's share in the happiness that most of the world is feeling.

But as Muslims, let us also continue to strategize and organize, not only for our own community, but for an even more progressive vision of real peace and a better future for all of America - and all of humanity.   
Posted 07 Nov 2008


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SFA, you know it cuz u liv here...anyone who has not lived in main stream US can not see fine lines its society, politics, and its systems.

Truly, jews run key institutions and a govt can not operate without these institutions. Yes they support Israeli cause and draw support from US policy and decision makers in favor of their ideologies. They were not given this status on silver platter. Infact, they faced much more aggression, hostility, discrimination, disgrace, and hatred in the first half of last century than what Muslims face today.

Their response was passive, long term but solidly grounded into education, having true pride in their religion, building bridges with their worst opponents, and establishing institutions (I mean true institutions of thought and intelligence). They targeted most critical positions and worked their hardest to reach their goals.

Next in line are Indians. Pakistan will face a tough time countering Indian lobby and their influence on Amercan policy making, 'cuz Pakis always react!

Muslims, particularly Pakis are busy in following trends set by US, Israel, and now India. They don't create institutions, or set trends, or introduce new developments, they are rather melting in this big pot and are getting consumed.
Posted 06 Nov 2008


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Paki govt is at the service of US president.
US President is at the service of US citizens.
Posted 06 Nov 2008


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Mr. Chaudhary has his own opinion and I have my own. I don't have to concur with him. I don't believe he has deep insight into US politics. I like his writings but I don't agree with him all the time.

America created Israel and has supported it since then.

Posted 05 Nov 2008


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Oklahoma City, United States
Rapunzel said:

Smooth_daddy said:

Rapunzel said:

nothing good abut him both are same

Now that is a very generalized statement.
Obama's approach to most issues relating to Americans is drastically different from McCain's policy position. Obama is liberal -- largely accomodating American's social differences and serving mostly working class and middle class people.
McCain is Conservative and Palan is neo-conservative, meaning they will be leaning more toward religious extremists and serving rich and privileged people.

If none of them are good, then who is? how would you pick one? remember, American's are electing American president. Everything else is secondary to them.

McCain tu khair Bush ki policy hi le kar aya tha aur us ne apply bi wohi karni thi Obama America k lye acha hai but Pakistan k lye dono aik jaise hain aik kaam dono ne karna tha wo hai pak pe attack han ye ho sakta hai k ye Iran k baad Pak ko soche ya pahle.

As I said before, Americans elect a president for America hoping the president will make America greater and with that it will lead the world.

Pakistanis don't know who to elect for their country's advancement. They only hope that a US prsident would be good for Pakistan or not.

What a shame that Pakistanis pin their hopes on American president but have no faith in the ability of their own elected president or government. American president will do whatever it takes to protect and advance its interests even if it means invading a country that has been their ally. What would Pakistani president do to protect and advance Pakistan's interests? You probably know the answer better than me.
Posted 05 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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That is absolutely ridiculous!

You may Israeli lobby or Jewish lobbies actively participate in forming US policies but Israel has a very little influence on US national politics.

Mind that Jewish intellectuals are heading or have reached very important positions in key institutions. They managed it after working extremely hard through education and having established a united effort. America is a country of opportunities for all people and it rewards hard working intelligent people. Muslims, especially Pakistanis have same opportunities but they are not taking advantage of that.

In short, israel doe not run US but it sure has influence on its government through its friends and sympathisers.
Posted 05 Nov 2008


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I always do but I don't think that would resolve any thing. Corrupt politicians in power will launder their black money in foreign exchange and then transfer it to their foreign accounts.

How else do you think all those kick backs that rulers in the new government of Pakistan will transfer to their swiss and other western bank accounts?
Posted 05 Nov 2008


Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
I think you meant the otherway, right!
Posted 05 Nov 2008


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Oklahoma City, United States
Rapunzel said:

America chal hi Israel ki waja se raha hai

what do you mean by that?
Posted 05 Nov 2008