Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Sunshine, you kept us up with appropriate supplication through out ramadhan and now on Eid. your subtle messages have been Simple but inspiring...very much appreciated.
Keep on making supplication, most people don't know that on the day of eid, supplications are accepted and granted as belivers asking Allah after attaining the state of taqwa...and Allah responds to the call of his muttaqi servant.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Thanks yu all for your best wishes. Enjoy the blessed days and lace them by magnifying your Lord and pronounce his greatness on this occasion...that is required on eid so that you (and us) will be guided.
say Allah o Akbar as many times as you can...that is the most beloved word to your Lord on this day.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
~Fragi~ said:
'Amir Liaqat on GEO ('Alim Online) is a big fraud, as typical in Pakistan
He is a member of the biggest terrorist organization in Pakistan (even more than the rafiDis and Sipah Sahaba tableeghis) called the MQM (Muhajir Quami Movement)
It is this movement with its hooligan king Altaf Hussain in the UK who actually bombed the Mawlid Conference in Karachi that led to the martyrdom of more than 50 'ulama and Sunnis on stage while praying salat including the entire leadership of Sunni Tehreek (the target of MQM)
These people are gangsters. This man is no sufi, but after dunya. He is trying to win over the Lucknow/Faizabad/Bilgram/Jaunpur rafiDis especially in Karachi.
These are those gangstera among the Urdu speaking people who came from India to Pakistan, especially UP and Bihar, because they did not find a life there to live criminally.
Karachi knows that MQM is the Dahshat Gard in almost everything. One of their stooge on stage is this Liaqat.
thanks for your input, but I didn't want to drag this topic into a political discussion.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Gee-Z said:
well i think he is doctorate in islamic studies
well that's what he claims...but from which university...90!
his brother graduated from a university in Iran, what about him?
see, PhD is not mere completion of coursework and you are done. It involves lot of research and focused expertiese in a micro area of interest...meaning his research should have been published in journals as research papers, not columns in newspapers. These research papers are thoroughly reviewed by a board and athen approved for publishing. Where are his publications...A doctoral thesis follows that which is a very refined research output.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Gee-Z said:
u r right basically he is the x member of mqm n a big darama as well i think he is doctorate in islamic studies n a very contraverstal personality he is nt a mulla ,he is a Shah rukh khan of geo the big actor .n u must watch the interview of amir liqat ,dr shahid masood nay is k band baja diya tha when dr shahid masood worked for ary digital u must watch it
...yes he was severed from MQM but his idealogy is leftist and he promotes his brand of Islam.
you are right, he is an actor guised in the garb of mullah. His imposturous piety is a fake and contemptous.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Dear SD brother if my niece could pick up his mistakes then there should be some grounds where Geo TV authorities can guide him to improve these weak points. No one is perfect but if you are on media where common peoples (not scholar of Islam) who beleive on everything what they seen so Geo TV has to make sure everything they are broadcasting must meet up certain standards.
Truly said WOL. Ironically, an ignorant is presented as a scholar on TV...that causes more damage than anything else...he is like an untrained soldier with a loaded weapon in hand.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
you certainly can share it with Allah. If thee is a grief, sorrow, burden, or anything for that matter, dump it in front of allah and truly seek His help. Surely, you will be helped.
Only condition is sincerity -- total confidence that He will respond.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
madgirl said: heart is not.... why????????i cannot share with jbians or any person in this world.................. for few hours i feel relax when i offer prayers .....
very sorry to know that and that you can't share it! if in any way i can help, feel free to share.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
SRK, your arguing without knowledge.
Aitekaf can be done at any time of the year. The proof is in Quran in Surah baqarah where there is mention of fasting times from dawn to dusk. There is no restriction on days or time of Aitekaf in the Masjid.
There are several ahadeeth reported in this matter.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
The findings you posted have been known in many religious circles for many years....
Unrelated to this story but related to the subject of truth of of the highest hindu priests and his wife embraced Islam and they now live in US. He was one of the most learned religious scholar of Hindu religion who learned christianity in latin and greek languages, learned judaism in hebrew, and islam in Arabic language. He was commissioned by highest priests in India to learn those religions in their original languages for comparitive studies. This man found the truth in the religion of Islam.
Bottom line is that truth has manifested and it continues to shine despite of disbelivers hatred. The important thing is us Muslims should have unshakeble confidence in Islam's truth and all aspects of it...
disbelivers are attempting to cast doubts and shake our confidence in the truthfulness of our religion by shaming us of our traditions and our background. nothing that our religion gives us is an embarrasment for us, be it our appearance, ethics, morals, worship, dealings and transactions, social interaction or anything else.
More than anything, unveiling of truth about the Prophethood of Muhammed SAW in Veed is reinforcement of Muslim confidence in the truth of the religion. It should strenghten our faith and commitment in following Allah's commands and establishing it fully in our lives.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
There are no doubt blessings and reward in calling salutations to the prophet SAW. However, amount of reward and thousands of days of good deeds and other virtues are not proven from authentic traditions or practices of the companions of the Prophet.
Please don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of sending salutations to Allah's Messenger as much as possible but only in obedience of Allah as He asked of us to do that. How he rewards us is best known to Him.
Age: 58
7932 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Strange, no one knows the reason why you should not tell your friend?
Yes it is an Islamic issue and a very basic one. Islam teaches us morals and ethics of living in a society.
Quran says about a person who turns around and tells the person who has been talked about. Such a person is called a Nammam. Quran prohits witness of a nammam in a court of law and calls him/her "a reject."
Nammam is worse than the back-biter. One who listens to back-biting is also a back-biter.