
Age: 58
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yah got it dolly
Posted 24 Nov 2005


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Of course bazi, how cld someone enjoy living in Isreal
Posted 24 Nov 2005


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I would wanna go back and settle there. but I have some serious concerns too. I may end up staying in US.
Posted 24 Nov 2005

Topic: ThAnKzGiViNG


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I just edited the part "not good" to "good" becuz I meant that.

yes, US is my home.
I don't celebrate thanksgiving.
Posted 24 Nov 2005

Topic: ThAnKzGiViNG


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Americans in general are very nice people. Of course there are bad apples everywhere. It is unfortunate that handful of those with bad intentions and being hateful are now represnting America on TV, news and politics. They seemed to have somewhat influenced good-hearted Americans also. But most Americans are good.

American is not equal to kafir or infdel
just like Islam is not equal to terrorism or
Muslims are not equal to terrorism.
Posted 23 Nov 2005


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I hate to be hair splitter but definition of narmal is different for different people. So please define whats normal for you.
Posted 23 Nov 2005

Topic: Daughters


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Posted 23 Nov 2005

Topic: Dua


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Thanks Sall and Bazi for answers. Both of you made it clear that dua for non-muslim can be made for certain things. While there are restrictions on making dua for non-muslims in some other matters.
Posted 23 Nov 2005


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do you need a prrof for the reality in fromt of your eyes earthquake killed and maimed people in scores and damaged properties more than a war. Whether India said it or not, its the realty on the ground.
Posted 22 Nov 2005


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Sorry to burst your bubble sall, I am not thinking like you.

Yes there might be some carry overs from personality but there could be other factors also contributing to it. Sickness with disease, cirumstances and stress may have changed a person so much... we can't discount those factors.

easier to ignore own father    but pick on some one else's...   

Dolly, people of all schools together make a society. New school and old school may think differently but they all are part of each other's life. People change with time but everybody responds differently. Those who don't cahnge fast enough can't be left behind. Life is the name of striking or actually struggling to strike a balance in various aspects of life.
Posted 22 Nov 2005


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I don't have geo or any other paki channel or desi channel for that matter. I don't have to putup with that.
Posted 21 Nov 2005


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Father in law needs to learn and exercise more caring and respectful behavior. Respect is a two way street. If elders are not respectful of younger-ones, young people may not dis them openly but will not respect them whole heartedly.

Daughter in law needs to learn patience and understanding, people at old age become cranky and unreasonable. How do we know her own father is not like that? What would you do if you had a father like that?
Posted 21 Nov 2005


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rapunzel said:


but what does it mean?
Posted 21 Nov 2005


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Jazana wa iyyakum NB.
Posted 21 Nov 2005

Topic: Daughters


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Jazana wa iyyakum NB
Posted 21 Nov 2005


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I praise Allah and thank him for blessing us with the religion of Islam. I ask Allah to grant me correct understanding of this deen.

Islam teaches us etiquettes of dealing with Namehrams.
1. Allah is watching us all the time. If there are two people, allah is the third. if there are three people, Allah is the fourth...
2. He knows what's in the heart and mind. He will take account of that too.
3. Prophet SAW prohibited non-mehram man and woman (boy and girl) to meet in seclusion. Be it in a room, house, office, car, cafe, college, on the phone or even internet; secluded meetings are prohibited. This is becuause, as Prophet saw said, shaitan is their company.
4. Vain talk between non-mehrams are prohibited, because it leads to soft feelings for the other.
5. For education purposes, student may contact teacher but it must be within the purpose of education. This is because, wives of the prophet used to teach and answer questions of sahaba and tabaeen from behind the curtains (ruling in surat Ahzab).

there's a lot of info about this topic but that's the gist of it.
Posted 21 Nov 2005


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Im wid yah nikama. Allah's not about showing off. I have seen dozens of bent trees. I am not out looking for evidence to prove Allah's existence of greatness. I believed in what Quran said about every creature praising Allah, including the entire planet earth, sun, moon and the whole universe.
Posted 21 Nov 2005

Topic: Daughters


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Thanks for very valuable information.

There are many Ahadeeth related to this subject. Knowing those glad tidings, I'm pretty sure people would want to have daughters more than boys. Only condition is to raise daughters in dignity, teach them self restraint, instill God's fear in their minds and protect them from temptations. Reward for this, our beloved prophet said similar to: parents of two daughters who raised them with honor and dignity and protected them will be with me in the paradise like the two fingers together", he then showed it with his blessed hand.
Posted 21 Nov 2005


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Allah SWT blessed His beloved Prophet with a lot of knowledge. However, the word "Nabi" means the one who bring news or information. "Nabiul-Ghaib" will mean the informer of what is hidden.

Example: In surat Al-Mulk, Allah SWT says, 25. They ask: When will this promise (of resurrection) be (fulfilled)? - If ye are telling the truth.

26. Say: "As to the knowledge of the time, it is with Allah alone: I am (sent) only to warn plainly in public."

Posted 21 Nov 2005


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Posted 18 Nov 2005

Topic: Mustafa Akkad


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Message, only good work on Islam's intro to the west in film making. Criticism is easy but none other has improved on his works.

May Allah forgive him and enter him in His Mercy and accept his effort to Introduce Islam and its messenger to the west. Ameen
Posted 16 Nov 2005

Topic: G O D


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Allah almighty is above what you may comprehend of Him. All the men and Jinn using up all the resources to mention His glory, can't do it because He's much more than that.
Posted 16 Nov 2005

Topic: any websites


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Nothern areas

Did you forget about earthquake in those areas

I don't think they are accessible or open for tourism yet. Unless you wanna do some aid work - honeymoon activity
Posted 16 Nov 2005


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Its not fair to judge a person based on the acts of others.
Posted 15 Nov 2005


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SupidGuy said:

Following activities have been observed at the residence of Babar Chaudhry, while delivering lecturers to his followers:

i) Males and females sit together and Parda is not observed.

ii) All the participants sit bare-headed while reciting the Holy Quran.

iii) Babar Chaudhry himself sit on the stage which his sit on the ground with the Holy Quran in their hands.

iv) At the ends of the lecture, the participants put the Holy Quran in their bags and carry it on their backs like ordinary school books.

v) No one can contact the centre directly. All new entrants are asked to get prior appointment. After proper verification, appointment is given.

I don't find anything haram being done in the above stated activities. I don't know the person and don't know about what he preaches. i can't base my opinion about another person based on what someone else says about him. How do I know what is tated of his background is correct either. There are no references to any sources either. I will only comment on the activities listed above.

Male and females sitting in one room is not prohibited. It is prohibited when non-mehram sit next to each other.

Head covering is not a requirement for reciting or learning Quran. Only Tahara is required (ablution). Females sitting in the presence of non-mehram are required to cover their heads regardless of whether they are reading Quran or not.

I didn't understand the third point. If you mean he sits above the level of Quran, there are no prohibitions of that either as long as intention is not to degrade Quran.

There is no proof from any Quranic injunctions or hadeeth that putting Quran in the back pack or behind the back is prohibited.

"No one can contact the centre directly. All new entrants are asked to get prior appointment. After proper verification, appointment is given." - is this unislamic?

Posted 14 Nov 2005


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I couldn't agree more with Nikama on the subject, how does it affect the eman of a believer and how we would act differently or become better Muslims with this information. Second of all, is this something we should be concerned with especially with the accounting on the day of judgment?

Though I may have different understanding on these issues but it is fruitless to debate on a subject that benefits none.
Posted 14 Nov 2005


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I don't recall the exact reference to hadith but it is roughly about: When an old woman was leaving after having embraced the faith,   the prophet called her back and asked her, where is Allah. She pointed at the heavens and said upon His Arsh (throne). Prophet SAW smiled and confirmed her understanding.

Many places in Quran Allah SWT himself mentioned His ascension to the throne and His establishment there and he rules from there as Ar-Rahman. "Ar-Rahman alaal Arshis tawa".
Posted 14 Nov 2005


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Very good topic and an interesting one

Earthquake in Pakistan is more than an eye-opener for the nation. Devestations it caused exceeded proportions of small nuclear attack. It has shaken the very foundations of economy. It clearly shows how fragile country's economy is for it can't sustain a major catastrophy in remote areas, let alone, God forbid, disaster at any major economic center.

I'm not sure what you mean by US military presence in NW Pakistan. US provided much needed chopers and heavy equipment for relief work. It is not hidden from Pak military command or political leadership that such military hardware of US forces, deployed in forward war zone, are fully equipped with reconnaissance and surveilance gadgets. Desparate for aid (or an opportunity for politicians to satisfy their appetite for easy money), authorities in Pak accepted US offers.

"what is going to happen in next couple of years in pakistan.kashmir issue it seems is almost resolved but not in the way ppl of pakistan would like it to."

Do you mean Pak is conceding Kashmir to India? I don't think Pak will commit suicide. Kashmir's strategic imortance for Pakistan are more than it is for India, China or U.S. I don't really think Pak will ever compromise its very existence especially by unsecuring its borders. Pak's trade as well as military routes to China (very strategic to Pak's existence and economic survival especailly in the event of conflict with India) can not be compromised.

Politics in Pakistan are not about safegaurding Paki interests. Its mostly about power grabbing which is then used for material gains. I don't think, in-power PML, government is capable of handling such complex issues.

Military strategists and GHQ in Pak don't have confidence in corrupt civilian government or establishment when it comes to strategic defence issues. If this institution has been plagued with corruption, then there is a serious strategic crises in Pakistan.
Posted 09 Nov 2005

Topic: ideas needed


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Posted 09 Nov 2005

Topic: Relaxed


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congrats on your new discoveries. Enjoy your blessings and welcom back
Posted 09 Nov 2005