Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Is it really virtous to celebrate the birth of the Prophet? I meant to ask, if it was, why did the companions and family of the Prophet pbuh, who loved him more than we ever will, didn't celebrate it?
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
That's much better - at least, I like intelectual argument.
Just to set the tone and records straight, muslims are not antisemitic, Jews are anti-muslim/Islam. Not every jew falls in that category. Generally, they are not muslim/Islam friendly.
In the historical context, Jews expelled from Spain in late 15 century found refuge in Muslim lands - Turkish Khilafa. They found peace in Muslim lands and they prospered there for 5 centuries with freedom to practise their religion and customs. They did not live "peacefully". They connived with enemies of Osmanian caliphate, just like you suggested. They did so to carve out a state for themselves from Muslim heartland. They worked their ways secretly and covertly against the interests of Muslims and their rule. Despite of that Turkey did not expel Jews from its lands. Turks supported Germans in WW because they were at odds with Brits for obvious reasons. Turkey did not participate in Jewish genocide nor did she allow that in its territories.
Let's step farther back in the history. This time we see Religious perspective of the issue. From the times of Prophet when he announced his prophethood, Jews rejected him. They were expecting a prophet in that region as they concluded from their scriptures. They never expected the prophet to come from Makkah that too from "gentiles".
Once he migrated to Madina, they conspired against him on numerous occasions. They tried to kill him by deceitfully inviting him to a meeting, conniving with meccan pagans and signing deals with them, killing large number of prophet's companions by treachery and decit... Prophet, pbuh, thus expelled tribe of Banu-Nadhir. He fought in battle with tribes like, Banu Quraida for their breach of peace agreements with Muslims of Madina. They had invited and encouraged Meccan pagas to attack Madina while providing them support and assistance against Muslims.
Quranic references and prophetic traditions very clearly have shown how and why Jews dislike Muslims. Surat Hashar is one example. In surat Al-Madida, Allah swt have stated very openly that the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims are polithiests followed by the Jews. You will find Christian closer to you in faith.
Reasons for Jews to hate Muslims is the same as their despise for Christians. Children of Israel (prophet Jacob) -Bani Israel, were given the status of most favored nation. Instead of maintaining that status, they rebelled and transgressed bounds of Allah. They killed many messengers of Allah and rejected many more, including Jesus. Allah arrested their status and granted it to Bani Ismail (Children of prophet Ishmael) - Raising the prophet among Bani-Hashim, descendents of prophet Ishmael - Prophet Mohammed, SAW. Incidently, their boasting and pride of being the beloved nation of God was no longer valid. Ego of rich and mighty, ruler and lords, priests and scholars prevented them from acknowledging the prophet. Instead, they started a campaign to malign the prophet and the religion of Islam. It has not stoped since then.
In summary, Muslims are not ani-semitic but Jews are anti-Muslism. Muslims are not racist, while Jews are, as they are a race and all non-jews are gentiles. There are good people among them but majority supports or at least agrees with ejecting palestinians from their homeland.
Physical beauty is a gift of God, and He granted that to many nations without discrimination. By the way, grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
my son was born on April 1. We don't celebrate that, let alone April fool.
Ironically, Muslims follow almost all the celebrations of Christians and feel pride in it. That is one of the signs of the Hour. Prophet SAW said, Muslims will follow people of the book in every ways. even when they went in a hole in the ground, Muslims will follow them in it.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
SALL said:
nikamma at least u have a good n valid reason to not to hate jews
It is a greater surprise that you are endorsing an outlandish idea - person prefering his carnal desire instead of intelligence to determine why there has been a long friction between jews and muslims. I am totally disappointed - actually amazed that someone can ignore facts, entire history, revelations and traditions and dare make a theory of his own.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
I do understand your point of view and don't diagree with you. But the context and expression of how it is said makes a difference. If you said a guy is hot, it doesn't necessarily mean s**y. It can also mean very popular. I bet a mature native speaker will attest to it.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
I'm sot sure who's winning. I'm sure Pak is loosing.
you know what? In pak we want democracy, law, accountability, Islam and morals for others. We don't want anything but to satisfy ourselves. That is the winner so far.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
boy, you are just now smelling the coffee
We still have Brit laws of 19th century which are now obsolete in Brit.
Judicial dichotomy in question highlights the complexity of system. Shariat branch of supreme court was added to the system as an intermediate process towards Islamizing the judicial system. It is not meant to make decision on any cases, it rather serves as a supreme court bench which makes sure that laws governing the country are Islamic. It is one step in the direction of system transition to Islamic law.
I don't know much about judicial systems but my question would be, how effective it has been - any progress made - or has it been an apeasing pill to a section of the society?
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Sall, your question was a bit vague at first. Bazi's first response was what I would have said too. Later when you asked in Pakistan's context, it became clearer. It is very different from a conventional court. In Pak, Sharia court is an appellate branch of Supreme court. An appellate court review judicial laws / appeals and review decisions of lower courts.
In simple words, Sharia appellate court will review a law or a decision when challenged in a sharia court. That is validity of a law or decision on Islamic principles.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Thanks Virdi
Jalaluddin Suyuti was a great scholar of Islam and very well known for writing tafseer of Quran and several other books. I meant to ask about the actual source of hadith, like Bukhari, Muslim, Nisai, Tirmizi etc. - Sheikh Sututi may have reffered to.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
"Jesus son of eloha"! you don't think its a christian doctrine. Read the post where it equates "eloha" to Allah, "Eloha" (also known as "Allah" - calling Jesus as son of Allah, nauzobillah.
If they say similar things, it definately is a product of twisted mind devoid of any understanding of creator.
This "Intelligent design" idea was just recently defeated in a US court where people requested intelligent design be struck out of school curriculum.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Everybody is ani-something. "anti-semitism" is a political stigma politicians in the west like to stay as far from it as necessary for political correctness. It is a notion to make people feel guilty of holding a view against semites. It is also a way to let semites off the hook for their wrong doings. I will not indulge myself judging Muslims/Pakis of anti-semitism. This is not our standard of judgment. We judge by what is right or wrong by the word of Allah and His messenger.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Its an expression of how much that person could be desirable. Its not an expression for people only. An object can be termed as hot meaning an item of high demand, like a bread loaf fresh out of oven.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Haram is something that is prohibited. Taking a haram course, be it food or otherwise, it's sinful. Makrroh - largely in the Hanfi sect - things disliked or repulsed - mostly by the prophet but not categorized as haram. People of Taqwa stay away not only from Haram, but also from Makruhat and doubtful matters.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
doc, trust me, these trends are to finish Muslims. Not literally, of course, but for Muslims to loose their identity and be assimilated in the popular culture.
Age: 58
7877 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Another lier invented another set of lies - that's nothing new. people in the past claimed similar theories and expected people to take on their unique approach.
"Jesus, whose father was an Eloha, was given the task of spreading these messages throughout the world in preparation for this crucial time in which we are now privileged to live: the predicted Age Of Revelation."
Is it not the Christian doctrine guised in the garb of "Intelligent Design"?
Age: 58
7877 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Saki said:
eg) opening ur fast earlier than the set time will make it makrooh!
That is not makrooh. That will break the fast and counted as sin. I have requested this before and I'll say it again: Please do not make judgments on matters without pertinent knowledge.