Age: 58
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HH, I read the article and I commented accordingly. It may be that my post was not very clear. I did not post to challenge yours, in fact, I was complimenting NB's article.
What I said, in other words, People bringing new customs and traditions and when they are told these are alien to Islamic ideology, they respond, "I don't think there's anything wrong with it". This "think" carries essence of arrogance and ignorance - a deadly combination prevents people from listnening to (let alone accepting) any advice.
Age: 58
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I think we should return to the subject. Please do comment on my comment; pleae leave the discussion of which lingo I understand and I don't for another forum.
Age: 58
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LiL_DollY said:
Smooth_daddy said:
When we say about a custom, "I don't think there is any thing wrong with it", that's when we accept a custom alien to Islam. Most of our people have egos bigger than anything - you just can't tell anyone that he/she is wrong.
you can read that
I can read Arabic very well, that helps me read it and I understand Urdu, so I guess, I can make sense outa Urdu text
Age: 58
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It has been ages since I watched PTV. In 15 years it must have turned 180 degrees. HH, how about a story from Quran which will explain the situation you just mentioned.
Surat Younus:
22. He it is Who enables you to traverse through land and sea; so that you even board ships;- they sail with them with a favourable wind, and they rejoice thereat; then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think they are being overwhelmed: they cry unto Allah, sincerely offering (their) duty unto Him saying, "If you do deliver us from this, we shall truly show our gratitude!"
23. But when he delivers them, behold! they transgress insolently through the earth in defiance of right! O mankind! your insolence is against your own souls,- an enjoyment of the life of the present: in the end, to Us is your return, and We shall show you the truth of all that you did.
Age: 58
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When we say about a custom, "I don't think there is any thing wrong with it", that's when we accept a custom alien to Islam. Most of our people have egos bigger than anything - you just can't tell anyone that he/she is wrong.
Age: 58
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My dear doc, no hard feelings.
The simple point here is, we have invented our own ways to love the Prophet of Allah. We love our desires more than the desires of Allah's beloved. We should love him in a way he told us to show our love and respects to him. That would please him and his and our Lord, Allah.
For sayings of authentic scholars, if it doesn't coincide with the sayings of Allah and His messenger, its significance is that its only their opinion.
I tell you what, we should celebrate every day and present our thanks to Allah for raising us in the ummah of His beloved prophet.
Age: 58
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Wait a minute, Mallak! I am confused. I don't understand your point. Are you suggesting that story has no basis? people are quoting their sources - imperfect they may be - having some substance to support the story. If you want to set the records straight, bring your own sources to back your argument -that's the way to carry out an intellignet discussion.
People believe in things that are super blatantly horrible and they just don't stop there. They are propagating it with force in the name of "freedom of ...".
Genocide of Muslims in many a places through out the history is a fact non-muslims are trying to hide and wipe out from the books of history. In the past 10 years, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been killed. If you want to condone the facts of mass murders of non-combatant Muslims in Spain, Palestine, Iraq and so on at the hands of crusaders, Gengizkhan and others, you have the "freedom of ...". You simply can't tell anyone to stop believing in something by the same token of "freedom of ...".
Age: 58
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to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return
may Allah rest his soul in peace and grant him forgiveness and mercy from Himself and enter him in the company of rightous ones. May allah give you and your family patience to bear the loss and give you strength to carry on. Ameen
Age: 58
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shahrukh khan said:
someone locals, who else. They found heads without bodies of alleged bombers. they must have thought it is of a great virtue to kill those muslims who do not scribe to their brand of Islam. Forgetting that one who proclaimed the shahada, their blood is haram, unless it is wajib to take that life.
Age: 58
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...and may He protect us from the ignorance. O'God almighty, give this nation sanity and ability to absorb guidance - Ameen
We forgot the light the prophet AS brought with him but we are busy celebrating his birth. Alas we spent that energy and resources on adopting some of his ways. Alas, we followed the footsteps of the blessed nabi of Allah. Alas, we knew how much he hated to inflict any harm to Muslim life, property and honor.
Alas, we learned how much patience and restraint he exercised in the time of hardship. We resort to violence and hurt none but our own brethren.
Alas, we learned to respect and honor the sayings of Allah's beloved prophet. We do everything contrary to his liking except few but we make tallest claims of love for him.
Age: 58
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Everybody is entitiled to believe and pracise their religion in anyway they like. I will only mention of why I believe and act the way I do. I'm very sorry but I would disagree with you doc, on this subject.
Neither V. Day nor the clebrations of prophet's birthday have origins in christianity or Islam. was invented by christians and maulidin Nabi celebrations were invented by Muslims centuries after the demise of the prophet, his companions, and their followers. BTW, 12 of R.Awwal is not an authentic date of His blessed birth.
Sahaba understood the value and blessings of the prophet more than we can even imagine. They saw the virtue of Prophet's presence among them - Allah swt reminds them of that presence in suratul Hujurat - specific for the time when prophet was alive. They saw Quran revealing. They saw the miracles of the prophet, they shared blessed meals with him and touched him and felt him. They ate and drank from shared vessels. They prayed with him and fasted with him. They married their daughters to him and married his daughters. They saw the rise of Islam from single believer. They sustained all harms and hardships with the prophet and laid their lives in his blessed defence. They did not disobey him or disregard any of his teachings and loved him more they loved anyone else. They buried him after his demise. They carried on his mission afterwards. Yet! they never celebrated prophet's birthday as Eid. Prophet SAW himself mentioned only two Eids for Muslims and that did not include his birthday.
Islamic calendar begins from the year of hijra and not from the birth year of the prophet. Christian calendar begins with birth year of Jesus.
There are no mentions of any virtues or multiplication of good deeds on the 12th day of R.awwal in any of prophetic traditions. If it was meant in such a way, either Allah swt would have revealed that in Quran or the Prophet SAW would have said something about it.
Remembering the prophet and reciting salawat upon him is mendatory upon every believer. Virtues of reciting salwat are very well known from the traditions of the prophet AS. Certainly do that as much as you can on any day. That will certainly please Allah and His messenger.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
you nailed it on the head. Most of us only want to talk about imann and goodness. In action, we are zero. For us, our culture, our traditions and our way of life is far more important than imann. We are affraid of labels being given to us if we tried to get closer to Allah or to even leave some bad habits - we are scared of Molvi/mulla stigma.
We fear people more than Allah. - In short, we are hypocrites
Age: 58
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May Allah swt cure the illness of your papa. O' Allah, our Lord, You are the most Merciful. Out of your Mercy, give shifa to the father of Bitoo and grant him full recovery. You are the only One we turn to, and none other than You have the power to respond to the call of your servants. Restore his health and make him among your thankful servant, Ameen.
Age: 58
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... and majority of the people in the world are not Muslims. Furthermore, don't mean in an offensive way, majority of the people will enter hell fire too.
Our standard is our Prophet's teachings as opposed to what majority does.
My question was, did the companions and relatives of the Prophet did not know the great blessings of celebrating his birthday - or that we are more knowledgeable and have greater piety than thy did?
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Bazigaar said:
if iman is a contract that means God is up there doing a business interesting...
now question is..if we believe God is all powerful, then why does he offers us these contracts? (iman/religion)? why not just force them on is...? why go through all this contract thingie
You bet, its a trade, commerce, business.... however you comprehand it. That's how humans understand the value of a covenant.
Allah says in Surat tauba, "....should I tell you about a trade-off which will prevent you from the torment of fire."
In surat Al-Asr He says, "By the time, entire mankind is in loss, except for those who believed ..."
In Surat Al-Baqarah, Allah says, "...and they traded misguidance in return for guidance and the life of the world for Akhirah."
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
I don't think system will change or any thing will change for that matter unless onething changes.
Unfortunately, we want system and and all things to change but for others. We want immunity from law, accountability, social and religious bounds for ourselves but want to restrain others by codes of law.
The day, we all would want the system to change for benefit of all including self, you bet it will change.