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kash_beauty said:

app mein bardasht kitni hai woh hum pehlay din he dekh chukay thay!
or hum kia bardasht kar saktay hein or kia nahin!!
yeh na app k liye jan-na zarori hai or na hamara batana

Hey kash, that's very arrogant, you pass judgement on others and become harsh when others return you the favor.

kash_beauty said:

shan !!
app ko baat bardasht nahin hoti jab kaho tou !!
khud jo merzi boltein rahein
likin aglay banday ki baat bardasht karna app k bas ka kaam nahin hai!!!

I don't think either one of you were understanding each other. in this serious corner, if we want to discuss something lets do it with facts, evidence and proofs. Mere understandings, opinions, emotions and speculations render any comment weightless.
Posted 16 Mar 2005


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Sall, I think I once answered that question of rights and place for children born from out of wedlock. Let me elaborate:

Allah creates a life and it is equally as sacrad as any other human life. Each human being will stand in front of Allah to give accounts of its deeds only and will not bear the burden of anyone else. Such individuals granted equal rights in the society and are not waranted to sub-social treatment. There are only certain rulings that apply to such individuals.

Humans generally seek protection matching their natural sense of insecurity. In any society, where family lineage, material strengths, and solid backgrounds taken as gaurantees for successful future, children born out of wedlock are seen as production of crime, week background and broken lineage having a very little chance of becoming successful (again materially). Though such attitude brings hardship upon victims of a crime (who had no part in it), society at large bears the harm of criminals. That's why Islam takes stern position against crimes that pose substantial burden on the society.
Posted 16 Mar 2005


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Man! Sall, you scared people off the topic

Guys and gal, we are confusing several matters into one. We are trying to compare apples to oranges.

Authority to Forgive offender granted only to aggrieved party (person). For example, relatives of murdered may forgive murderer. Choices of forgiveness or punishment to offender afforded to aggrieved party only when violation of ones personal rights committed by others.

In cases of communal crime or societal corruption, none granted authority to forgive, revoke punishment or even downgrade it. All cases must be decided in the court of law. For example, treachery against the nation, once proven, cannot be condoned. Adul8ery, 4nication, spreading mischief... fall under that category.

Allah swt is Just and Merciful. He will not allow people to usurp others rights and forgive them without providing Justice to aggrieved party, unless ones offence committed against forgive.

Because He is Merciful, He may grant forgiveness to whomever He wishes for crimes committed against His Holy self. For example, it is His right that we offer prayers and thanks to Him. He may forgive our shortcomings in it.
Posted 16 Mar 2005


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F-16, I disagree with your statement. Happiness and joy comes from results of product - in which you may have invested time, effort, money and ...

We expect favorable results after hard work, and when the opposite happens, some suffer nervous breakdown out of frustration.

Happiness in both cases is true happiness when your heart is content with it - sounds too unrealistic, may be, but once you reach that level, you will know what it means.
Posted 04 Mar 2005


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srk rocks said:

Smooth_daddy said:

Nope, all men are NOT hypocrites - just like all women are NOT bad. There are men and women whose righteous received Allah's testimony. O'course bad apples are on both sides.

sorry if it offended u but i was just givin my opinion in my life experience????????????????

Glad you understood sorry for you life experience may Allah give peace to your heart
Posted 04 Mar 2005


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sorry bud
Try adjusting your attitude just a little, it might help. See the brighter side of the picture.

easier said than done; I realize it, may Allah help you.
Posted 04 Mar 2005

Topic: !! TABOO !!


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i realize it Sall, but the real question, do we really want Islam in our lives, Muslims majorities have shouted many times, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

We know causes of illnesses and respective cures in bitter pills which may leave a lasting after taste in our mouths, so we deny treatment for the fear of temporal losses.

Quran says: Those are they who have purchased error for guidance and torment at the price of forgiveness. So how bold they are to the Fire.
Posted 24 Feb 2005


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Allah bestows honor upon believers which brings esteem, confidence, dignity and self-respect in their character. One concious of that honor will resist falling from that position. Allah swt says in the Quran, "Inna Izzata lillahi walir rasuli, walil mo'mineen" - Indeed honor is for Allah, and for prophet and for the believers.

Ageed wid Z, taking honor in servitude to Allah is pride and persistence in transgression is arrogance.

Allah swt wants honor for his slaves and thats what He stated when ordained women to cover theirselves so they may command respect and dignity. Unfortunately, some feel proud in transgressing divine ordains with sheer arrogance.

People feel ashamed of offering prayers in public and feel compelled to step over limits just to fit in the society - need a boost in self-esteem and confidence.

When Omar RA arrived in Palestine to recieve they keys to Jesrusalam, Abu-Obaidah ibn Jarrah RA (one of ten who were given glad tiddings of paradise) pointing out to Omar's clothes, having twelve patches, asked him to put on something better because people there were particular about dressing up. Omar RA responded with words that we were honored by Islam and Quran when we were nothing, since when we started to feel honor in clothes and outlook.

I believe, Iqbal's poetry refers to that noble status of respect and honor. Prophet SAW said, Abu-Bakr will be given the choice on the day of the judgement to enter the paradise from any door he wishes - God leaves up to him of his wishes of the ultimate.
Posted 24 Feb 2005


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hold it a sec.

We are trying to cure symptoms here and leave the illness as is.

We have living examples right in front of our noses.
Western societies accepted illicit relationships and births resulting thereof as norm, a mistake - "lets get over it!"

Did it solve the problem? most spouses are cheating, divorce rates are astronomical, teenage pregnancy is on the rise, number of children under poverty are ever higher, single-mothers' problems compounded even further.

BECAUSE, the system does NOT enforce law against ILLICIT relationships, it rather encourages it in the much trumpeted name of modern life-style, freedom, women empowerment. Lawmakers themselves are slaves of their own lustful desires. how could they make and enforce law against themselves.

Bottomline: those who commit the crime by will, both, men and women, should face criminal charges in the court and be sentenced as deemed appropriate by law of Almighty, just like it is observed for other crimes. A crime is a crime and should be treated as such.
Punishment against crimes safegaurd societies from outbreak of corruptions just like vaccines prevent diseases from spreading in the society.

Allah forgives His rights over whoever He wills (we don't know who), He, however will not forgive crime against fellow human until justice is served.
Posted 24 Feb 2005


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Nope, all men are NOT hypocrites - just like all women are NOT bad. There are men and women whose righteous received Allah's testimony. O'course bad apples are on both sides.
Posted 24 Feb 2005


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Posted 24 Feb 2005


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srk rocks said:

parents b4 marriage it depends wh@ the circumstance are like if the women is raped is it acceptable then????????????
also it shouldnt happen b4 marriage as a man can neva stand around 2 pick up the peices bcoz all men r hypocrits!!!

Posted 24 Feb 2005


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faradiya said:

You are satisfied with whatever you have
Im not satisfied whatever im
You don't get upset for not succeeding.
I do upset if i not succeed
you are not jealous of what others have.
I do jealous but very little

You worry little about what you want next.
I do
Your worries are how would you fare in front of the Creator, The Lord
not all the time
You thank more than you complain.
I complain more then thanks
You don't say, why it happens to me.
i do say
When you loose someone or something blessed - you say, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
i   don't say that...i think i can't say that..i don't have that power

So how happy is life on a scale of 0 to 10.
10 being ecstatic and blissful.
Posted 24 Feb 2005


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geetanjali said:

Are u talking abt the condition of anestheisia?

It sounds that unreal! How do you than seek happiness that is real and lasting.
Posted 24 Feb 2005


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Jia_ka_chand said:

You are content with what you have but strive to become the best person you can be!

You only earned 100 bucks today. its your choice, be happy with it or be bitter about it all night long but you can't change the fact either way.
Next day you can do something different to make 200.

I hope it makes sense
Posted 24 Feb 2005


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Sorry, I didn't phrase it right.
I think happiness stems from:

You are satisfied with whatever you have - happy for what you have which you could possibly not have.
You don't get upset for not succeeding - accept the outcome of efforts which may not be to my expectations - in other words, not unhappy for unexpected results.
you are not jealous of what others have - Allah provided his servant with a bounty, why should I be unhappy about it. He's the Lord and He does what pleases Him.
You feel happy when someone else gets what you wanted most - Accept others success with big heart and being happy in the happiness of others more than being unhappy with own failure.
You worry little about what you want next - I may not live to see tomorrow. So get the best of today and what i have now.
Your worries are how would you fare in front of the Creator, The Lord - Keeps you motivated to do good and stay away from trouble. If He's happy, we'll prosper, if he's not, sorrows see no end.
You thank more than you complain - Count blessings and thankful for it. Can't do that becuz they are tooo many. Who has time to complain.
You don't say, why it happens to me - We don't question Lord, whatever happens it's either his blessing, test, or proof either in favor or against ourselves.
When you loose someone or something blessed - you say, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

Please add to the list what ever i have overlooked, or comment about it.
Posted 24 Feb 2005

Topic: !! TABOO !!


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SALL said:

i think u got my point,,, wot wd i do without u

Thanks! you wld do just as good!

SALL said:

i mite have said something wrong in my prev posts,, but jab sabbbbbb itni galt soch rakhte hein to shayad thori si galti ki ijazat mujhe bhi honi chaiye

waiting for ur next post

I don't know what you are refering to! Everybody's falible, don't sweat! we all do wrong but best are those who who perpetually correct themselves.

On the subject of kids born to prosts - product of parents sins but have no sin of their own. I wrote earlier, society as a whole should bear responsibilities for such outcomes which result from acceptable (or restictedly acceptable) practices.

Now, how do we expect a society which accepts immorality (in restricted ways) fully granting justice to children of prosts?

Islam offers solutions to such problems, but do Muslims want Islam in their lives? you know the answer!!

I will only dwell on some examples.
One of the great companions of prophet (I would not name him becuz some immature minds may take it wrongly) who accepted Islam but he didn't know who his father was. Later he remained in the company of the prophet and became a very well known scholar after prophet.

Remember the couple who admitted their guilt of commiting adultry, prophet asked the woman to suckle her baby, born out of wed-lock, for two years before she was stoned to death for her crime.

Bottom-line: Islam didn't come to punish people for crimes. It came to change the inner-self of individuals where their inner-souls control bodily desires and behaviors. Prophet was so sure of it that he predicted, A woman will travel from Iraq to Mecca alone without any fear (of attack or molestation).
Punishments came much after morality was established on the basis of fear of accountability with Allah.
Posted 24 Feb 2005

Topic: Happy 1426 AH


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Posted 16 Feb 2005

Topic: Happiness..


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Happiness is not a thing you can find and keep it. Its the attitude towards it.
Happiness lingers right in front of our eyes but we fail to recognize. We thank not for what we have. Allah says: Qaleeum ma tashkuroon. only few offer thanks.

True, death is truth - its a realty we all have to face but we want to run from it. Keep it mind at all times, it will keep you away from pleasure hunting - Hadith.
Posted 16 Feb 2005


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I never understood the reason for mourning. Hussein RA's martyrdom must be mourned!!

Him and his companions were martyred in the way of Allah, and Allah says, don't call tehm dead who were martyred in the cause of Allah.

Never did prophet mourned the death of martyrdom of his beloved family members on their anniversaries. Hamza RA was martyred and his corpses were then brutally mutilated. Prophet was sad and upset to see it. But he didn't moun it year after year. Who can love the Prophets family more than prophet himself. There were prophets before our beloved prophet who were murdered and martyred, some were cut with saw. Who can be closer to Allah more than a prophet... you got the point.

Ashoora practice long preceeded the birth of Hasan RA and Hussein RA which prophet also followed. This was a day of rejoice bcuz Allah granted victory to Mosa AS against Firaoun. It didn't change until during the rule of 4 khulafa. Later it was adopted as a day of mourning much after the martyrdom of Hussein RA. A practice adopted as religious ritual which has neither Divine nor prophetic basis.
Posted 16 Feb 2005

Topic: !! TABOO !!


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Prostitution remains one of the oldest trades of human crimnal history. It prospers on weak moral, uncontrolled desires and passions.
When People of Palestine could not defeat armies of Omar RA, they sent women into Muslim armies to lure and corrupt those men to weaken their resolve and determination. They failed to lure these men of character. They came to open jerusulam as they were merchants of good morals, self control and their unwaivered belief in Allah and accountability of the last Day, prevented them from any activity falling short of their standard.

Many Muslims today enjoy and appreciate acts of indecency in their private life but act righteous in public life. Watching indecent movies, songs, browing internet in search for nasty stuff...
Prostitution once confined to harems now finding ways into decent families - only having different names, professions and politically correct titles - modeling, acting, dancing, marketing, fashion, life-style...where "only pretty" women are made to lure customers to a product bcuz its pleasing to eyes of potential customers ($$) - very sophisticated prostitution garbed under so called "art professions".

A very tricky but dangerous ploy of entrapping people who lowered their gaurd just a bit.

SAll, I will return to your question of babys born of prostitutes later. gtg
Posted 15 Feb 2005

Topic: !! TABOO !!


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Silent onlookers are equally guilty of crime as those who do it!!

Society, on the whole bears responsibiltiy of all of its ills, whether all volunteer to it or not.

Society and its culture which evolve over decades, web ever so intricately, shape many practices, however wrong and evil, and stakeholder and diehards maintain status quo at all costs. Disproving silent majorities usually accept such ills, thinking they may fade away or at least won't harm 'em as they live in so called "within protective walls".

In a society, when people of evil deeds given positions of high order, spread evil with their administrative influence to make their behavior and practices acceptable in the society.

When people of live conscience and high morals have courage to stand upto evil and its promotors, and stomuch to bear everything that comes its ways, evil collapses becuz its weak in nature.
Posted 15 Feb 2005

Topic: Happy 1426 AH


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shahrukh khan said:

lolz...sirf fos ko dekh kar keh diya

actually hoped to see it in religion forum and fos. I didn't even know serious section already started.
Posted 15 Feb 2005

Topic: -- Missing --


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sorry folks, can't waste precious time invain. you all do good job talking abt other matters, so I stick with serious issues - rite Sall!

happy posting
Posted 15 Feb 2005

Topic: Allah o Akbar


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There're some matters where personal opinions don't count at all. Especially, matter of Allah and unseen can only be explained with what Allah and His messenger have said.

Allah cannot be seen, as when Aisha RA asked prophet about his visit to the seventh heaven if he saw Allah, he replied, how could i see Allah! No eye can see Allah.

Allah doesn't live in anyone's heart or flowers or any of His creations. Allah says, Ar Rahmanu alal arshis tawa... The most Beneficent is established on His throne. Only poets and ignorants have spooken about Allah's presence in everything. He is close to humans and all things with His vast knowledge. He listens to the call of an invisible insect who lives under the heaviest of rocks in the deepest bed of the ocean. This is because he is Al-Sami ul-Aleem, All hearing All knowing.

Hadith of prophet roughly understood as: On the day of judgment, when people will be settled in their places in paradise, Allah swt will recite surah Ar-Rahman to the dwellers of pardise and will reveal His countenance to the utmost pleasure of His slaves.

lets provide evidence to support statements. sometimes, shaitan boosts our egos in such matters and Allah warned us about that: "wa an taquloo ala Allah ma la ta'lamoon" ...and he makes you say things about Allah, which you don't have any knowledge of...
Posted 15 Feb 2005


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I can't hate em just bcuz they are Muslims - may be just by name but are far better than any non-muslim.

I hv my own million reasons to dislike 'em but hate's extreme
Posted 04 Feb 2005


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It does reflect my name perfectly but my nick
see it your self

S- You are very broad-minded.
M- Success comes easily to you.
O- You are very open-minded.
O- You are very open-minded.
T- You have an attitude, a big one.
H- You are not judge mental.

D- You have trouble trusting people.
A- You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
D- You have trouble trusting people.
D- You have trouble trusting people.
Y- You cause a lot of trouble.
Posted 04 Feb 2005


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Big mouth
Posted 04 Feb 2005


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but you didn't say why, I mean you were very general.
Posted 04 Feb 2005


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I dislike most pakis too, especially one in UK
Posted 04 Feb 2005