Topic: Achay Ikhlaq


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Bani Israel gave oath to Allah that
1. They will not worship anyone except Allah (consider no-one wothy of worship or for asking their needs).
2. Will treat parents very gently.
3. Look after and provide care to relatives, orphans and poor.
4. Will offer prayers
5. Will pay alms and charity.

Allah says except for few, majority ignored their oath with Allah.

After Eman in Allah, He placed higher priority for Ikhlaq than acts of worship (not to be little acts of worship, without which other actions are meaningless)
Posted 29 Jan 2005

Topic: * Dunya *


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people who love themselves above everything else become very self centered. They think of themselves as the cneter of of the universe. All things must serve upto them. This ailment of their heart needs treatment bcuz selfishness spreads like a contagous disease.
Posted 29 Jan 2005

Topic: lolz


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SRK: say sorry in a nice way and mean it, bcuz its rude any ways to say thing liek that to someone.
Posted 29 Jan 2005

Topic: Kiss


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Queen of jb said:

haan dekho zara ab kiya koi inn ko btai ga......

what doz it tel ya Queen!
Posted 29 Jan 2005


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short hand KB

I mean to say, Discussion is a forum where people share their view points on a topic. Purpose of disscussions must be to come out better educated and an opinion either strengthned, weakened, or improved owing to others input.

am i making sense now
Posted 29 Jan 2005


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I am part of world, I must change myself first.
Posted 29 Jan 2005


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Posted 29 Jan 2005


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Sorry sall, I didn't think about the ayah in Al-Maidah. Then the verses are very similar except that "Assabeen instead of "Assaboon" (where former is mafoul and later is fa'el - grammer) and in Baqarah it came after "An-nasara". Also in Baqara, another sentence comes between "Amala Salehan" and "fal Khafun..", which is "Jaza u hum inda Rabbehim" meaning their reward is with their Lord".

Essentially, it has the same meaning.

Cancel: Allah swt abrogated some worses from the Quran. There were many reasons; most known being that some ahkam came for a short term - applicable to the situation on the ground and then when things stabalized, Allah swt replaced them with more detailed ones or even completly abrogated them. Allah has the best wisdom and we know not.

When Quran was being ompiled in the time of Abu-Bakr RA and Omar RA's times, some companions brought up the issue to take the verses out of the Quran which were abrogated. Both opposed the idea saying, verses that Allah revealed and Prophet compiled it in the Quran, we do not hav the authority to take away or add even a dot from it.
This is my humble knowledge. Allah knows the best and I ask His forgiveness for any errors I made in my explanation. You might be better off asking a scholar for better explanation.
Posted 29 Jan 2005

Topic: ~*~Hugs~*~


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Asian said:

smooth i am going to be as diplomatic as i can be..........SOD OFF MY TOPIC

make me
Posted 28 Jan 2005


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Even if this verse was not abrogated, it must be understood in the proper light. If you look closely, Allah says: "Indeed those who believed" and then he adds another sentence to it buy saying "and Jews and christians, and sabiens 'who believed in Allah and the last day and did the righteous deeds' they will have no fear or grief".

For other than believers, the condition came after mentioning their faith, that they believed in Allah (complete submission to the deen that reached tham) and accountability of the day of judgment and matched their belief with righteous work will be treated just like a believer from the ummah of prophet Mohammed SAW.

Allah says in surah Al-Imran, that no religion will be accepted by Allah other than Islam.

Allah swt may or may not forgive all sins but will surly not forgive sharing partners with Allah. Allah will not let anyone's good work to go waste. He will return the reward of disbelievers' good work in this life - scholars say he may make their death easy as compared to the painful death of disbelievers.
Posted 28 Jan 2005


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about this this verse, it was recorded by many scholars that this ayah was cancelled by Allah (as Allah says in the same surah that Allah may cancel a verse and send another one like that or even better, He is all powerful and capable of doing what He wills).
Posted 28 Jan 2005


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Thanks KB for putting me above what I actually am. I've very little knowledge. Nevertheless, I hav had read about this particular ayah in the Quran in the past.

Sall, I don't know your source of this ayah, I think there is some error in the way it is scripted. Actually, this ayah is in suratul Baqarah, which should be read:
In nal ladhina amanu wal ladhina hadu wan nasara was sabe-eina man aaman billahi...remaining is correct.
Posted 28 Jan 2005


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Posted 28 Jan 2005


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a forum put your view point on the table and being able to see others view points also to enrich understanding and forming a more educated opinion.
Posted 28 Jan 2005

Topic: ~*~Hugs~*~


Age: 58
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Hugging cousins! sister can't embrass brothers let alone relatives, friends and strangers.

Did anybody mention that unrelated male and female hugs are twist of western culture. It started from when male and female mixed in social gatherings. progressively, shaking hands, touching each other, dancing with unrelated women and then hugging became part of societal practice.

Islam cuts the root of corruption and indecency. It doesn't treat the over-growth of it. That's why islam rejects inter-gender relationships outside of the household because it leads to even bigger social problems. It may seem like hugging is normal becuz in western society it has become a norm. Prophet saw said, there will come a time when people will make out on the streets (which would be a norm and not doing so would be questioned, what is wrong wid it?) - and the person who ask people not to do it in the middle of the street would be the most righteous person.

those are my two pennies
Posted 28 Jan 2005


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I guess there's a mix-up between education and training. Its the training that makes the diff.
How? one may be well versed in medicine but trained to treat people with medical practice. Training is ones conviction to the acquired knowledge.

Training given by parents embeds in the character and personality of the child. Its like writing in the stone.

Knowledge can be beneficial and harmful. Prophet SAW asked refuge in Allah from the knowledge that doesn't benefit.

I tend to agree wid F-16 to the extent that children do not have the capability to filter and extract good out of information. Even adults at times can't process information to their benefit. Certainly, there are harms in modern day education, especially, when only western values are projected and presented as the best while ignoring and demonizing Eastern values (islamic in particular) to the younger people to promote a dislike for against it and deep passion for western culture.
Posted 28 Jan 2005


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It is true that in Surat Baqarah Allah swt stated that men hold a degree higher above women. It is very important to take the context of the statement before drawing any conclusions.

This verse was mentioned right after the verse: "And the women have rights similar to men over them to what is reasonable". These are the verses where Allah swt has given the strength and balance in the relationship between husband and wife.

Ibn `Abbas said, "I like to take care of my appearance for my wife just as I like for her to take care of her appearance for me. This is because Allah says: "And the women have rights similar to men over them to what is reasonable".

Giving men a higher degree is of responsibility, not mere authority. This Ayah indicates that men are in a more advantageous position than women physically as well as in their mannerism, obedience (of women to them), spending, taking care of the affairs and in general.
In another Ayah, Allah swt says: "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means." (4:34).

Allah is just, He will treat humans equally, however, people of responsibility and authority will have greater accountability. It would be unfair to treat a slave and a master with same standards of responsibilty. In the matters of belief and worship, all are equal, but when it comes to responsibilites, accountability is by status.

This my humble understanding, Allah knows the best.

Posted 28 Jan 2005


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SALL said:

evil s already become good yarrr,,
kya naaa......

Shaytan has beautified things of evil and men run after that glitter.

Loosers on the day of judgment would wish to go back to life and correct themselves. they will wish to remain dirt. They will try to find escape. "Kal-la la wazr" -absolutely no escape.

Thats why Allah sent Quran, the Furqan, the distinction between the evil and good. We have it but so high above that we can't reach it to read thru and know the difference betw good and evil.

We insist on remaining ignorant - who could be bigger looser than that
Posted 27 Jan 2005

Topic: .. Faith ..


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Life of a believer is in between fear and hope in Allah.
Posted 27 Jan 2005


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Any system of governance actually evolves in a society based on its own behavior and mindset. System, that works for one nation doesn't necessarily good for another. To endure democracy individuals in a society should be able to live it in their households first.

In a society, where macho man in the house rules by force, do we think democracy at large would work? When we can't tolerate and can't deal with opposing views, can we endure democracy at large?

Its the mind set and behavior of individuals in a society that shpaes a system of governance. You will see how the forced democracy will turn out in Iraq in just a few years.

Even Islamic rule in Arabia did not take place untill Islam reached the hearts of the people. Before they ruled with it they brought it in their lives and households first.
Posted 27 Jan 2005

Topic: ~ Democracy ~


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really sall, do you think those who want to continue to oppress poor farmers, those who cheat and decieve, those who take bribes, those who like get rich at anybody's expense, those who want luxuries of life and for which they wud cheat, steal, or even kill; those who live to chase women, those who compete with others only in dunya, those whose life is but disobedience to Allah would want...
rule of Justice, rule by the book of Allah and not by whims, when rules wouldn't bend for relatives and acquaintences, which would adopt austere living, would take account of rulers and those surrounding them before taking account of commonors, would treat all equal, would be severe on crimes and crimnals

Muslim, I'm sorry, I didn't get your point.
Posted 27 Jan 2005

Topic: ~orkut~


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yea, what's 'ht
Posted 27 Jan 2005


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I don't mind, but I don't waste time on it any more. If it comes along the way, I enjoy it.
I don't like joking in serious matters.

welcome any way
Posted 27 Jan 2005


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Sall, you said the keyword - Put to practice what you preach.
Posted 27 Jan 2005


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sorry to know that Sall

Posted 27 Jan 2005


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kash_beauty said:

whts the point...

Chill out KB! this is a discussion, you present your views and others present theirs

My only point, I always stress on, make judgment on the standard of Quran and Sunnah, and see if matters and affairs measure up to it. If they are somewhat short of it, I will still accept them, but if they are way short, I'll reject 'em.

kash_beauty said:

evn if u gve me million of examples or explanations..
belve me i still wont agree wid u!!

You are entitled to hold on to your point as much as I do. I respect your opinion while I only try to present some facts to you. You don't want to accept it, its your freedom of choice.

kash_beauty said:

n vice-versa !!

I'ld appreciate if you wld please only speak for yourself. Thanks
Posted 27 Jan 2005


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Come on kash, many people criticize Bush in US daily. His policies, his personal conduct, even TV and cable shows make fun of him. Can somebody even dare to say a thing about Fahad or his rayalies in SA. Let alone SA, saudis living in west can't even say word against them.

Fahad, a living example of a munafiq. he would do anything to serve his western masters, even if that means taking innocent Muslim lives. Life and honor and property of a Muslim is more sacrad in the sight of Allah than the day and mount of Arafat - Prophets last sermon. Is Mushi any better! well, at least he doesn't call himself :khadimul Alharamain-Ashsharifain".
Posted 27 Jan 2005


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So prepare for it
Posted 27 Jan 2005

Topic: * Dunya *


Age: 58
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these are sick people, they need a doc to treat their ailment - spiritual ailment.
Posted 27 Jan 2005


Age: 58
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A child shuld be taken to parayers from age 3 or so. Even though, child wld not be able to sit in one place and offer prayers but would see and emulate actions of parents to its best ability. At age 7, child should be instructed to pray and be followed up. At 10, if the child ignores prayers, one may take serious actions about it. Beating the child doesn't mean to thrash him/her. It means the child should know that a physical punishment which may be somewhat painful, is a possible consequence of not praying. Hitting the face, head and lower back and in private areas not permissible in any way.
Posted 27 Jan 2005