Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Queen of jb said:
I think we should wear those cloths which suites us and those in which we feel comfort. [IMG]
Perfect statement of putting self and desire atop everything else. Don't get me wrong, this is the general condition and norm today.
A level higher would be clothes of piety, something that will please my Creator more than anyone else, becuz to Him I shall surly return and give my accounts. How about clothes that cover me and protect me yet do not make me proud in them. Something that is modest and elegant, perhaps not very comfortable and trendy.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
hate life! becuz we got it without earning it. Ask the one who granted it. Give a gift to someone and that person returns the goodwill by hating the gift, tell me how it would feel.
We hate the precious gift only because things are not happening by our whims?
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Four traits must for positive thinking: 1. Patience and persistence (sabr & sabat) 2. Thanks in all conditions (Shukr) 3. Reliance upon Allah (Tawwakal ala-Allah): Do your best part and leave the result to Allah 4. Reward is with Allah, sooner or later will get it - here or in hereafter (eman bil Akhira wal ghaib)
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
I don't think I suggested any forceful measures. I think sometimes we jump to judgments and conclusions without any research. If I tell you that research shows children upto age 9 or ten look upto their parents for guidance and take anything they offer. After that it starts to shift towards peers and friends. Developmental years are under 10 years of age when a child develops a personality with traits that will live with him/her for the rest of the life.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
No doubt company and society play a great role in shaping personalities. Inner character that puts up resistance to temptations and shields one from adopting bad habits develops early in the life. I agree that Eman level goes down in a company of bad friends or spending too much time in front of tv, but the inner strengths battle it out. You know how docs keep a child in an incubator immediately after birth to stabalize its organs and to prevent exposure to any possible germs or viruses; parents must adopt that technique to isolate kids from exposure to any foul environment for first few years. Once proper values are ingrained in their minds, parents will slowly let them loose. When we teach kids to swim, we don't just drop 'em in deep waters. We don't even let them go on their own until we are sure they can survive. Then how do we leave our kids to the wolves of tv and media and the society at large?
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
when girls are girls guys look upon them with a lense shaded with lust for their appearance. when a woman comes in life, they are looked upon with a clear lenses without much dillusions. Neither girls are not better than boys nor boys are better than girls. Each individual is unique with given set of qualities and weaknesses.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
I meant to ask how much character do we have to tolerate things like:
insult abusive language religions believes difference of opinion political view points defeat / loss others faults and defects when someone jumps ahead of you on street or in line. others happiness or gains etc.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
Points: 0
Oklahoma City, United States
Free rein's a big fault of elders. But I agree teens got to bear some responsibility of their actions as well. Parents are at a much bigger fault when they failed to educate, train and convict kids to high morals. Instead they only focus on academics and some manners.
What would you say about parents watching movies filled with bad language and acts with kids or without. Kids learn that immorality is permissible to adults but not to kids. So they do it when they think they are adults.
A heard a 5 yr old kid saying, only dads can smoke but mom's can't because he only saw his dad smoking while mom didn't. He thus concluded just that it is ok for dads but not for moms. What do you think kids of parents who drink and do other bad staff would do!
You bet! they will do the same and even worse. Because their parents only talk about morality but when it comes to action, they are just the opposite.