Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
My friends, enjoining good and forbidding evil - the corner stone of Islam - required upon believers to deliever. We simply can't absolve ourselves from that obligation.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
You can only take a quite stance while you are getting ready to handle an evil. That is only in the prep time. Remaining indifferent to any evil is prohibited for a believer. I request any and all of the people to pleeeeeease refrain from passing personal opinion / ruling on matters of deen (including Jihad) if you are not qualified to do so becuase otherwise you are speaking on half of Allah and His messenger.
Allah SWT has destroyed nations where people used to sin against Allah and also those who knew but did nothing to correct it (did not even remind them)and saved those who tried to correct the problem.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Ayah 46 of Al-Kahf refers to belongings of life in which one may begin to take pride are wealth and children (continuation of lineage). These are the belongings of life that come into existence like the way explained in the previous post (tafsir of first ayat) and they will not last for ever. But the good righteous deeds that last, are better with your Lord for reward and better for hope.
Main idea is that life and its belongings last till an appointed time of epiration. That is, standing on a ground that will fall off one day, and thinking it to be a final standing ground is unwise and dangerous. One who does not plan, prepare and invest to settle in grounds of permanance when the temporary one falls out, he/she will loose everything they invested in it and will find nothing in the permanant land of residence because they didn't invest in it.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
These are the ayat from chapter 18: Al-Kahf.
The first ayah gives the similitude of human life cycle in the creation of vegitation. Like the rain falls from heavens in the fertile land where seeds fertilize and vegetation breaks out and lushes the ground. This vegation stays around for a while pleasing eyes of on-lookers. Then in the heat of summer it dries down and die out. Winds of falls than wither and disperse that dried vegetable, which was once green, all over -- meaning, of little or no value -- becomes lost and unknown...and Allah is quite capable of doing anything. In surat Yunus, Allah gives similar example: The parable of the worldly life is but that of water which We send down from the sky so by it arises the intermingled produce of the earth of which men and cattle eat.
This is to show the temporal nature and value of life, its short span. The next ayah talks about the higher value and belongings of the life hereafter than one in this world
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
thanks God a gizziillion I am the one who offers the sacrifice but not sacrificed.
This is best about qurbani, that we take good care of the animal and our heart loves it but still we sacrifice it because Allah's love and his pleasure is more beloved to us.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
May Allah accept the hajj of hujjaj. May Allah, in return for the obedience shower the ummah with Mercy, aleviate trials and tribulations, bring peace and return honor and dignity to the ummah of Prophet. May Allah guide the ummah on the righteous path, protect us from deviations and temptations of shaitan.
Fasting on this day is Sunnah. Allah accepts dua on this day. remember Allah oftenly in these days of hajj, as Allah says: "and remember Allah oftenly in these few days of Hajj".
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Religion and rituals are sometimes taken as synonums. What people mostly do are rituals devoid of spirit. Remember, rituals were given much later to the Prophet to reinforce and build upon the foundation he laid in 13 years. People who were with him then first received the spirit and then the rituals. In brief, Islam came to change the internal self which reflected on the outer side as well.
Filth in the society is reflective of filth inside. filthy mindset, corrupt thinking, vicious desiers and ill practices will never change just because people would pray more and attend lectures and on n ... Our people pick and choose from the religion parts that suit them and only that they are willing to accept in their lives.
I pray but I don't want to give up cheating my customers because that will affect my bottom-line. I fast but I can't stop being obscene, because I won't be cool anymore. I pay charity but I can't stop swindling people because otherwise I can't keep up my lifestyle and pay large amounts in charity to become known for it. I perform hajj with rich and poor of all colors and classes but I can't stop being oppressor upon people under me because that makes me superior to them... Allah, His fear, and desire to please Him has not seated in the heart. We accepted rituals before we could accept its spirit.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Manie. i am glad you put it out all on the table. Anger and emotions never resolve issues, only complicate 'em. I agree wid u about tsunami victims and tht we shd help'em. I also agree wid you that many preachers of religion spend little time reflecting on self-correction, but it doesn't mean all of them are the same. I know many who preach little but practice alot. Again, don't belittle peoples religion, you may disagree with their practices and beliefs but you shouldn't ridicule anybody's religion. Just remember one thing that whatever good we do is for our own good and what ever evil we do is bad for us and we are alone responsible and accountable for our actions and words.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Asian said:
hay draw kcid (kryptic) i only respect males who respect women, i respect many male members of my family but i will not respect ppl who do not generally respect me, respect is earned FEAR is demanded.
as for the religous presepective was it not Adam who ate the forbidden weat and then blamed it on eve? well men have a habbit of scape goating women,
p.s J.R look good point and bad point about me i say what i want!!!! i don't care who u r or who u think u are okie!!!! and i find more constructive ways to insult a person then bringing family into it, u must have jahil prespective o well, hay it's called being civil, besides i can have u done for liabel and slander hay it's no secreat......but
if u think about the Hazoor park P.B.U.H was not a normal male now was he?
how many times did you think before making insulting statements. So how did you just conclude that every other man is disrespectful of women? Just like you made twisted judgment on Adam and Eve - tells me (everyone) how judg-mental you are - didn't you say "jahil" - one who speaks without knowledge! you got that one right! As far what you can do - at best -- you can only foam and fus without a bite...
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Guys and gals, helping needy is an obligation on believing men and women. Even if it is punishment from Allah, we are required to respond to the calls of needy. There are people who survived but their lives are completely torn as their families are dead, their properties are lost and they are sick themselves. Sadaqa is for disbelievers also. Omar RA once found an old jewish man begging in the street, he took him by his arm and asked the treasurer of Muslim coffers to allocate a regular stipend for the man.
Most people who were affected by the tsunami are Muslims. Most who died are children - do we really think it is the punishment of Allah!
There are other places where there is so much sin that happen day and night, much much more so than in selected asian islands. If anyone deserves punishment, they the deserve it before anyone. There is so much tyranny happening in some places that punishment of Allah would start from there.
tsunamis were a sign from Allah showing Allah's strength. There are no powers that can resist Allah's force. As Allah syas in the Quran, that "mountains will be crushed to dust and powder with just one (1) strike". Also the phenomenon of tsunami given in one small verse in Quran: "And when the seas become as blazing fire". "and when seas burst forth".
Lesson in tsunami was: death may approach in the blink of an eye and at any time, allowing no moment to repent or to seek forgiveness. Those who feel secured and think death is far away, these events may change the mindset.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Asian said:
to all the males have my shoes on your head
I didn't know you treated your dad like tht I say this to make you think of what you wrote, bcuz you think little before you say things. Person better than you and me and the whole mankind was a male - prophet Mohammed (pbuh). First created human was a male and from his ribs a female was created. So I would suggest you think twice b4 you make a blanket statement.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
How about Muslims looking like non-muslims. Even names are changing. Muslims are now followers because they forgot how to lead with good, dignity and pride in being a Muslim. We are trying to gaurd the honor but loosing dignity. We proudly disobey Allah but are ashamed to be His servant.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Queen victoria,
I had a similar experience with an old man whom I gave a ride bcuz he was miserably sitting on the road side in hot summer. While riding, he took my watch and money and put 'em in a basket. Later when I asked him to return my items he opened the basket with snake in it. I threatened him with fatal consequences as I told him that I will throw off my running car. He gave my stuff back but cursed alot. I told him, I don't believe in any Qalandar or anyone else beside Allah who could cause any harm. He became infuriated but was helpless. I let him off my car as soon as he returned my things.
These people do tricks on people. They first scare 'em and then play tricks bcuz people are already scared and can't pay attention to the tricks of such people who actually decieve innocent people. This guy must've been a theif. They shouldn't have allowed him in.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Hacker, you are absolutely right about signs of Akhirah. Well, let people jest and joke but this is a serious matter.
Most people have forgotten that it is prohibbited for men to look or dress-up like women and for women to look or dress-up like men -- does anybody care what is permissible and prohibited!
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Ironically, mostlly people love the one that pleases or appeals to their desires, in looks, personality, compatibility, on 'n' on 'n' on... we love bcuz we want love out of it and we want to be loved. It is centered toward ownself, becuz we love ourself more than anything. We have been enslaved by us! we: me, myself and I are the centre of the universe and that should always be the status quo -- we can't think above ourselves!
We claim to be believers and yet to us the most beloved is ourself! Hadith: "One did not believe untill Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him (her) then him (her)self".
One who gave life and grow us to be strong and good looking, with healthy mind and body; one who provided food and water and clothed us; it is with His permission that earth holds us on it and to till land which grows vegetation out of it to benfit us. With His grace, sun rises and provides warmth for our survival, night falls for us to rest and day breaks out of it for us to earn living. yet! it takes us very little to disobey Him for very minor gains. We ignore the One who loves us most and gives us most though he is under no obligation to provide us with anything but we run after others for love
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Emptiness in heart and life, dissatisfaction and unhappiness despite of all provisions leads people into search of various outlets of pleasure, happiness and satisfaction. That's why they try unconventional things... people appear and take-up animal forms - how would you otherwise explain that.
"indeed we created human being in the best of the form, and then reduced him to the lowest of the low (because of his disobedience)."
A punishment that people bring upon themselves and yet recognize it not as shaitan makes it appear to them as something cool, and people keep going deeper and deeper into it.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Mysteriousgal, story of 1 person makes you think it works 100%
Heartbroken and lost love...a gift of western life style. Nobody's to blame except self-indulgence in immoral relationships. I known guys been left hanging in the middle too.
Blaming each other will not bring an end to this. Its the life-style we are leading and led to believe that love first and marry later brings happiness. We want attention, girls from guys and guys from girls, becuz it tickles and feels good for a while. Then results are horrible.
Movies, dramas, tv, magazines, internet; all are feeding it and we are eating it right up. Love, love, love. Self-centered, selfish life-style driven to apease self and desires-of-self so much that a little hap outside of it hurts like hell.
Let's bring end to worshipping self, and come out in the real world and that life has greater purpose than mere love for self.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
The idea of strangers (boy & girl) meeting in privacy over internet! Basically dating without physical contact, instead acquainting each other. Perhaps, what escaped us is a simple but basic rule, that when a guy and a gal meet in private, shaitan's (devil) the third with them. This rule not only applies to physical meetings but also to private internet chating. I know many of you will argue about it but this is a ground rule which doesn't change. If someone wants to ignore it, he/she have a choice. However, know it well, that Justice is based on rules rather then current practices.