Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
This has been a trend for long time. You want to guess why? Because a good number of them are focusing on education and getting good posts. They support each other and best yet is that whenever a vocal minority that works together usually excel past majority.
Iranians have always thought they were superior to all muslims because they are heirs of Persian Empire which flourished before the coming of Islam. Their empire was destroyed by Muslim Arabs. They accepted Islam but did not leave practices of ignorance from ancient persian rulers. I ran has always been richer than Pakistan and had better education.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Love is a natural thing, but the point of contention here is the way it is promoted as a way of realizing sexual desires, a social stature, companionship for social acceptance ...
Teens are not at fault. Its their elders who have not presented to them a good role model.
In our society people over look boys love adventures, without realizing that such acts are being performed with someone's girl (daughter, sister...). But it hurts so bad when girls in our households involve in it.
Want fix for it! Teach boys modesty and morality and rein them in. Set good examples in self for them when they are young. It is so embarassing to see guys posting & seeking shamelessly for a girl friend. someone should ask 'em, don't they have a girl at home to make friends with. Why do they want to friends with their sisters when all they want a sensual element in their relationship which will not materialize otherwise.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Prophet advised us to plant the tree if you have the opportunity even when you see signs of dooms day with hope in Allah. Allah says in the Quran, "...never loose hope in the Mercy of Allah".
million $ point: Do you your best part even when odds are against you.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Do most people believe in ajar e khair which we cannot see? Do most believe really believe that they will be accountable for their acts? Believing in these is eman bil ghaib. I don't think most people really think about making deposits of Ajar with Allah and being greedy for that.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Girls mature at an earlier age than boys. I'm not surprised to know Teen was childish at 18.
Teen, ur and f-16 points well taken! Media instigates inner and burried desires to take over decency. Its a dangerous combination. teens with fresh harmons kicking in mixed with media incitements toped with ever diminishing moral training at home nurtures a corrupt and morally bankrupt generation. Effects of these generations will haunt many more after that.
Reversal of this trend stems only from taking firm position on morality for self before taking it to others. Those who despise indecency should hold a higher ground and standard for themselves in defiance of prevelant culture.
Let's see, and I am dead serious about it! can some of us (of course, those who want to make a point) change our avatars to something modest (showing skin even in a cartoon character is indecent).
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Allah says in Quran, "Fasaloo ahluz zikri in kuntum la ta'lamoon", ask the people of knowledge about matters you don't have knowledge.
This is an order and not an option in the Quran to seek knowledge about matters that concern us. At the very least we must know how we should worship Allah and conduct ourselves according to Islam. If we purposely don't seek knowledge because once we know it, it is obligatory for us to act upon it or else it counts against us. Guess what! not seeking knowlege about how we conduct ourselves in matters concerning us and people around us is equally or may be a greater sin.
If we really want to please Allah and seek his pleasure in all of our affaris, then their wld be internal motivation to seek the ways to please Him. If we only care to please our ownself and if that pleases Allah, its good, if doesn't, we hope he will forgive us! kind of attitude stems from putting self above Allah and His messenger. Allah knows what we have in our hearts. There's no way we can decieve Him and there is no way we can avert or cancel the day of accoutability when all that we have concealed in our hearts will be revealed.
It is the love for sins that prevents one from even seeking knowledge, let alone benefiting from it.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
No doubt, Allah is most mercyful and most forgiving. He forgives all sins, no matter of how big they are. We can't speak for Allah what he will excuse and what he will not. Only condition is sincere repentence.
Now my friends, this is not a license to sin. Ability to repent is guidance from Allah. Many people sin but don't repent becuz they don't see their acts as sin. Allah does not guide them to repentence that is why they can't recognize their sins.
Ignorance is not an excuse. Allah SWT says in Suratul Mulk, tht angels will ask people of fire, did you not receive the reminder and message from Allah, they will say, we did, but we rejected it, turned away from it. Had we heed to it, and had any sense we would not be in this situation.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
All stars, sun and the moon are there for a short while. You may wana be a star in the everlasting world. If you get that, you wld be a super star for ever. Your fans will be angels and you will be in the company of blessed and pure people in unimaginable surroundings that will keep you satisfied. Look forward to that.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Media guises indecency, sensual desires, intimacy into love. Its natural for boys and girls to desire each others company but what is promoted today is lust not love.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
BadShaH1 said:
wuts all his story anybody knows? why is he given a president protocol when he comes to pakistan he is a shia sub firqa and he belongs to gilgit area Is he so Rich that pakistan government is compelled to give him such importance
yeap, its all money that matters. He pours millions in Pak. So what do you expect. He's not Paki, leads a passive religious group, his visit generates hundreds of millions of Rs. business as he finances major projects and works thru govt. You bet he dictates to Pak govt as well as heads of other states do.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Polygamy permissible for men by the order of Allah. Its practice is neither constrained to poor, old, destitute women, nor it is sharing of a commodity - husband. Only condition is to fullfil rights of each one of them.
World population figures now showing reverse parity, women out-numbering men. Hadith says, time will come when 50 women to a men ratio prevails. It is the mercy of Allah that He allowed this practice to prevent corruption.
Man doesn't become possession of a woman when he marries her. Noble women of greater honor and respect than anyone on the face of the earth(not only in this world but also in the sight of Allah) lived in a household of multiple wives. Wives of Ibrahim (AS), both Hajra and Sara is one example.
Now, coming to the Sunnah of the Prophet, indeed he married poor and widows. He also married young women. Truly, marrying destitues is noble but otherwise to satisfy desires in a halal way is permissible and recommended over illicit relationships.
Theory of rich women not wanting to marry an already married person falls short of multitudes of examples where some of such women not only seduce men of married status but also steal husbands of others.
Wickedness is not only among men, women also act viciously and pursue illicit realationships. This is a learned behavior, our people are adopting from western societies which are struggling to return to some level of morality. These societies forbade multiple wives for men but allowed mistresses. You see the results yourself.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Come on guys n gals, you know better than that Tolerance's pretty vast term in Islam, at least, if you mean patience by that.
Willingness and practice of overlooking errors of others (according to own understanding of standards) or allowing practices of others that are contrary to own set of believes etc. Forbearing physical and mental hardship etc is tolerance. Patience is a virtue of higher order. Ability to resist temptations, remaing calm and satisfied with the outcome even when it is a great loss and yet offering thanks.
These are characteristics of strength - Strength of Character which rules over the body.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Politics of power is the name of the game. Rich people want more and are affraid to loose even a penny though they have enough for generations.
The most unfortunate thing is that those who sometimes reflect over the problem, when it comes to their personal interest, it takes priority over general good. We are just talkers until we match our words with actions. Worst yet is that we don't even want to talk about it, hear about it or even think about it. You know why! bcuz, it takes us away from the enjoyment of movies, entertainment, luxury, fun and pleasure. We don't want to sacrifice a bit of it. Unless we start with self restraint and willingness to sacrifice some luxuries, it will remain a wishful thinking. If we can't, than let's get outa here and not talk about the pain and sufferings of others - we can't care less!
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
SALL said:
hmmm,, let s say our paki society (without any comparasion to other countries)
I don't liv in Pak, so I don't know much. However, my knowledge of it - double standards. Woman - a multiuse object. An object whose feelings mean little and sacrificed often for so called dignity of man.
SALL said:
Respect.... something u want to see in others eyes for ur own sister, mother and daughter Status.. wot are her rights
In a society where sacrilege of others dignity taken for fun while of own held in high esteem - dignity of women of others are of lesser value. We forgot a very fundamental principle that our prophet taught us, "A believer is one who loves for fellow believer what he/she loves for self" meaning, otherwise claimant is not a real believer. In a society where such values are only held by a thread, only desires matter most. that time is not far when people wouldn't care for the rights of women in their own household.
SALL said:
""their respect is as much as they have earned"" that s wot allllllllllll pakis say,, but wot does it mean
kya kissi buri aurat ko buri nazar se dekhna sawab hai ??
ignored other parts of the equation! Respect is earned. One, who by virtue of their habits and character earns disrespect doesn't deserve equal status of one who earns it. This doesn't mean one must cast a filthy eye on her or usurp her other rights. Its not only woth women, it also applies to men of poor character.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Sorry sall, but I guess there are several questions I have before I could give my view on your query.
Which society you are referring to? How do you define respect? When you are trying to measure it, what are you comparing it with? what is the standard?
In general, their respect is as much as they have earned, plus/minus societal/cultural standards/influences/values plus/minus individual personality & character traits.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
I don't know your background but wld agree partially wid yur parents. Cross cultural relationships usually don't last long bcuz ov cultural differences. It takes long time and effort to make adjustments for alien cultural values requiring patience which most people lack even for minor adjustments in indigenous cultures.
Parents know us even better than we know ourself. We are indebted to them for life. Just for our moms to bear our burden and pains for months to ensure our live birth. If it was not their kindness and mercy we would not be breathing let alone talking bad of their reluctance to grant us our mere wishes. They understand our feelings but at any point they feel our best interests are at risk, they refuse to oblige. All we need to do is to present the case in a way it makes them feel comfortable with it.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Sall, thanks for greetings
How does "interdependence" sound? Interaction and interdependence among people makes it a society / community.
Giving others space to think, agree/disagree, having and expressing own belief, speech etc fall under freedom. In a free society, these freedoms are provided by law. However, there are other unsaid and unwritten laws that compell individuals to restrict their freedoms. Such unwritten laws are societal values and bounds, stepping over which casts one outa that culture.
You are free to drive your car any where in town, except that you can't drive in wrong direction because, if you do that, you endanger your and others life. You can't run those slow drivers down either because they are entitiled to use the street just as much as you do. You can't go in restricted areas though you are a citizen just like those who can go in those restricted areas. So do you really have freedom to drive????
Yes, you do to a certain extent. Freedoms have limits and bounds for how much you have earned it. Those who earn it more than others they enjoy it more. Also, sometimes we have assigned / designated priveleges over others for a greater good of the community - community at large grants that.