Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
A great mercy of God Almighty who's oft forgiving. People who don't repent of their sins - prophet (pbuh) said: ...A black dot casts on the heart with a sin... - their hearts are blackened and hardened with sins and they love sinning and do not turn around. Repenting soul is that of a pious one who turns to Allah immidiately after realizing that it commited a sin. Allah SWT says in suratul Hujurat: But Allah has made faith dear to your souls and beautified it in your hearts, and has made disbelief, Fusuq and `Isyan hateful to you. meaning, when heart fills will eman, liking for sin and disobedience to Allah leaves the heart. Repending increases the level of eman in the heart which washes out black dots from the heart.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
SALL said:
im sorry but then jannat aur dunya mei kya fark reh jae ga,, agar logon ka rutba unn k ghar ki unchai se hi pata chalna hai to iss dunya mei kya burai hai
... ppl who pray to get palaces and hoorein,, r like donkeys running after a carrot,, u know wot i mean ...
I tend to agree with you partially bcuz it is human nature which requires motivation to perform. Some are motivated with material benefits while for others spiritual benefit is enough to motivate them, yet there are those who are self-motivated and have higher goals.
Quran advices us to earn the life of hereafter with the the provisions of this one. Seeking material benefit is neither wrong for this life nor for Akhira, except that obsession with the pursuit for dunya is prohibitted and for Akhira is permitted. Another reason to seek paradise is because the other alternative is hell fire. Difference between the provisions of this life and akhira are phenominal. Food of jannah, as Quran puts it, may look like the food of the world but will taste astronomically better, will never rot or turn into fecas after consumption. Purity (taharah) prevails in Jannah. Birds of jannah will offer themselves for consumption and lure inhabitants to enjoy its pure meat. Palaces are blessed and earned with hard work and sacrifce but best of all, only those permitted to enter 'em are those who have the pass to it, "Mercy of Allah". So I hope and pray to Allah to make me among those. Ameen
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Here's the eid joke:
A guy was crying after Eid prayers. Some people praised him that he love ramadhan so much that he couldn't see it going away. One person said it loud. while praising he also sympathized with the sobing guy. Guy said I am not that sad about the ramadhan going away as much as the next one is less than a year away!
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Do we completely forget what we learned in Ramadhan. I think most people don't get anything out of it. Bcuz at iftaar time people jump in food in such a mannar that fasting was wasted. people really don't care about other fellow muslims in the mosques, whether others get to eat at all or not, they should get it stomuch full. I think most people are happy when its over.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
A door of Allah's mercy. Person whose parent are unhappy with him/her, Allah's displeased with them.
Sall, parents make or break the personality, character and eman of a child. Parents are role models for kids. Parenting today is not like before. Parenting meant selflessness, sacrifice ... today, it is different. All it is now about money, show off and selfishness.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Shaitan is chained and I feel freedom his constant aggression. Serenity in the heart that prevails in this month something I really cherish and want to keep all year long.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
great quest!
you know most people really do not know it. what ever good we do, our intention should be to please Allah. Those who qualify for rewards, Allah SWT gives their description "radi Allah anhum wa rdu anhu" - Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah.
Sawab is an incentive offered to encourage believers not attach their hearts to the belongings of life bcuz there are better provisions saved for them. So they are not the goal.
People of paradise will be satisfied in their dwelling once Allah will reveal his face to them. After that, slave of Almighty will not long for any other pleasure.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
word saum (fast) in arabic means to hold back. Eating and drinking etc. are needs of the nafs (body). holding back from it is controlling, isn't it!
Then prophet (pbuh) explained it as such. anger is normal, you are rite Jbaby, its control has a reward and letting it loose brings harm. Curbing internal desire to cause injury, physical, mental, emotional..., to one who causes anger is an act of righteousness.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
ur rite sall, completion of faraid is required without which nawafil become meaningless.
Most people are oblivious of the fact that even before faraid, there comes something and they are taking it for granted. That is Aqeeda of believer, their creed. Omar RA said, "we recieved Eman before ahkam. we did not have any problem accepting or understanding ahkam. But there are people who receive ahkam before eman, they fly through the Quran without understanding a word of it or understanding the ahkam in it." Our eman is weak, we argue about Why Allah made some thing halal and others haram and why do this and that or seek short cuts to avoid worshipping Allah and carrying out his commands. We hesitate to return to piety and are swift in sins. We need eman to feel the presence of Allah and understand that we can't escape unbliking eyes of Allah; day of judgment's around the corner, death is closer than life and life is not our property.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Simple answer to your quest wld be for guys to mend their ways first. Because their relations with someone else's sis and some other guy might hav relation with their sis. Respect sisters of others like yours. lower your gaze and don't check their figures out. Sounds so unreal! no fun! ......there's no short cut it. Old American adage, "what ever goes around comes around!" Want to save embarrassment for self! save someone else from the same. Shaitanz nobodyz friend - vowed to cause destruction for humans while beautifying the temporal but sinful delights to them.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Don't you love this religion that provides freedom from the slavary of whims & desires! Allah wants freedom for mankind and shaitan wants to enslave 'em, choice's ours
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
faradiya said:
(Morale is prayers are a condition for piety but without good moral it offers very little. And only being kind wldn't let one in the paradise without prayers.)
hmmmmm that's mean everyone going to hell........caz some peoples prayes but they are foul mouth.....some don't but they help others......
okay everyone do you know any person in your area ,family ,friends jo kay namaz be parta hoo ore neyaat ka be saaf ho...jis ki zubaan ore hath sei dosray musalmaan mehfooz rehtay ghareboon ki madad be karta hoo.......deen ore duniyaa sath lay kay chalta hoo.......
A perfect man ......infact a Momin ?????????
being a momin is a bad thing? Even when everybody accepts sinful life style, it doesn't become acceptable to Allah. The beauty of this religion makes you perfect, only if you choose to be one you may not know any one with such characteristics, but I know many.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
I do not know why, if you meant to ask what was the motivation behind his fasting in shawwal, except that Arch angel told him the virtues of it. He used to fast three days in every month. Incentive is so great that its hard to pass on.
Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
Xtreme said:
one of my uncles ( dad's cousin) is a tableeghee and he is in the USA or UK contenetail Europe for about 8 months a year on tableegh. Well thats like a tour to me and what about umm hmm his wife and kids . yea he is rich so thats not a problem but it not all about money there are many other responsibilites for a man too like a husband and father.
That's where I disagree with TJ. We do not find such examples in the life of prophet or his companions. Only handful of companions were sent on Missionary work by the prophet and those companions stayed in those other lands, lived with people who were non-muslims. They were tolorent of these people's ignorance. TJ people only focus on Muslims, they go on to foreign trips but recruit more people to their Jamaat with almost no effort in spreading Islam among non-muslims. May Allah guide us all in knowing our deen as was revealed to His prophet - Ameen
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
Fasting any 6 days in Shawwal is the tradition of our beloved prophet (pbuh). After completing the count for fasting in Ramadhan, whosoever fasts any 6 days (except day of Eid) in shawwal, he/she in the sight of Allah is like one who fasts for the whole year.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
JK for duaz! friends, dua is the fruit of worship. For dua it is important to firmly believe Allah is the only one who can listen to the call and respond. Ettiquetes of Dua also include doing it in purity, praising and thanking Allah before asking, humbling oneself by mentioning one's weakness and inabilities. Asking for halal things with humility and surity that Allah will answer the call.